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 劳工部 [láo gōng bù添加此单词到默认生词本
Department of Labor
Ministry of Labour

  1. 赵小兰被任命为美国 劳工部部长。
    Elaine Zhao, who was appointed as Secretary of Labor.
  2. 联邦政府通过劳工部为维持四口之家的基本生活所必需的收入规定出一个最低标准。
    Through the Department of Labor , the federal government has defined a minimum amount of income necessary for basic maintenance of a family of four.
  3. 美国劳工部部长赵小兰下月将布什政府离职,但是在内阁中有可能出现另一位华裔成员。
    Secretary of Labor Elaine Lan Chao will go out with the Bush administration next month - but there is likely to be another ethnic Chinese in the US Cabinet.

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