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 劳资两利 [láo zī liǎng lì添加此单词到默认生词本
[劳经] benefit both labour and capital

  1. 公私兼顾,劳资两利曾是我们对民族资本主义工商业的政策。
    Giving concurrent consideration to public and private interests and benefiting both labor and capital used to be our policy towards national capitalist industry and commerce.
  2. 劳资两利、按劳取酬、等价交换是构建和谐劳动的三大原则。
    Mutual benefits of labor and capital, rewards according to the labor and equivalent exchanges are the three principles in the construction of harmonious labor.
  3. 通过“劳资两利”的政策解决劳资关系,工人阶级的生活得到了改善,资本家也获得了相应的利润;
    Through the "Labor benefit" policy to resolve labor-management relations to improve the lives of the working class, the capitalists have also received the corresponding profits.

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