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 劳役地租 添加此单词到默认生词本
labour rent
rent in the form of service

  1. 这些无偿的劳动,就是缴纳给农奴主的劳役地租
    Such unpaid labor constituted the rent they paid to serf owners.
  2. 除了通过劳役缴纳沉重的地租外,农奴还必须缴纳名目繁多的税费。
    In addition to the heavy land rent paid in the form of labor, serfs had to pay numerous taxes and fees.
  3. 同时,由于商品货币经济的发展,货币地租代替劳役地租成为一种必然趋势。
    At the same time, as the economic development of the commodity currencies, it became an inevitable trend that currency rent took the place of services rent.

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