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 劳工市场 添加此单词到默认生词本
[劳经] labour market
[劳经] labor market

  1. 但这些预期很有可能令人失望:由于商品和劳工市场仍然极为萧条,因此在接下来的一年半时间里,通缩压力将在成熟经济体中成为主导。
    But these expectations are very likely to be disappointing: For the next year and a half, deflationary pressures will dominate in the mature economies as goods and labor markets remain very slack.
  2. 因此,很多人偶然进入某一行业是不可避免的。 在很难预料劳工市场走向的情况下,我认为这很正常。
    A certain amount of stumbling [into a career] is inevitable and I think healthy when you have a labor market that is hard to predict.

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