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 公司制企业 添加此单词到默认生词本
incorporated enterprise

  1. 可持续增长是公司制企业实现股东财富最大化的长远目标。
    The sustainable growth is the corporation's final object to the maximum of the stock-holder's wealth.
  2. 随着经济的发展,企业的组织形式也在不断的演变:独资企业、合伙企业公司制企业
    With the development of economy, the forms of enterprises have evolved. There are some forms, such as proprietorship, partnership and corporate.
  3. 转让公司制企业国有股权,应当经过被改组企业股东会同意。
    To transfer the state-owned shares of a company-based enterprise, the consent of the shareholders' meeting of the restructured enterprise shall be obtained.

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