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 公司实绩 [gōng sī shí jì添加此单词到默认生词本
company performance

  1. 目前,公司开发的高档滑板、透气砖、高档钢包浇注料(预制块)、低碳镁碳砖、混铁车用铝碳硅碳砖,在国内外各大钢铁公司广泛使用,均取得了良好的使用实绩
    Nowadays, our company's top grade skate, air brick, top grade ladle castable (precast block), low-carbon magnesia carbon brick, aluminum carbide &silicon carbide brick which are widly used both domestically and internationally, and have good performance.
  2. 继续与波兰拉科玛公司合作,进一步推广水性环保系列涂料,明年计划实现200万平方米的实绩
    To continue cooperating with Lakoma company in Poland to popularize a series of environment protection paints which have water character.Our company will bring about 2 millions square meter ‘s achievement in next years.
  3. 公司本着品质最优,信誉第一,服务至上的理念,以丰富的物流实绩,为您规化、设计、安装及维护您所要求的自动化物流系统,提供全方位的物流后勤支援。
    We design, install &maintain the automatic logistics systems tailored to your need with an idea of quality,credit &service and sufficient experiences.

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