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 公司税收 [gōng sī shuì shōu添加此单词到默认生词本
[税收] company taxation

  1. 公司税收进行整体筹划与管理,按时完成税务申报以及年度审计工作;
    Plan and manage the tax of the enterprise, accomplish tax declare and the annual audit on time.
  2. 公司税收进行整体筹划与管理,按时完成税务申报以及年度审计工作;
    Plan and manage the company's tax in the whole, finish tax report timely and yearly auditing job.
  3. 文中制定了要实现公司税收现代化以及提议减除公司持股的资本收益税。
    It set out the strategy for modernising corporate taxes and proposals for relief for capital gains on substantial shareholdings held by companies.

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