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 公司证券 添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] corporate securities
[法] corporation securities

  1. 在循环的时尚中,这会进一步导致这家破产公司证券价格的下跌。
    In circular fashion, this could serve to depress even further the prices of securities in this bankrupt company.
  2. 通过豁免注册手续,144A条例显著提高了美国机构投资者买入外国公司证券的机会。
    Institutional investors to buy in the securities of foreign companies through the exemption of registration procedures.
  3. 美国联邦和各州法律都禁止在交易或推荐公司证券时使用“重大内部消息”。
    United States federal and state law prohibits the use of "material inside information" when trading in or recommending Company securities.

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