公垂线 [
gōng chuí xiàn]

[数] common perpendicular
- 给出判断空间两直线相关位置的一种新方法,并可由此直接得出两异面直线间的距离及公垂线的标准方程。
A new criteria method is provided to determine the relative locations of spatial lines, which deduces the distance and the common vertical line of two straight lines in different planes. - 三维坐标点计算方面,考虑方程组的几何意义,采用异面直线公垂线中点逼近三维空间点的方法,提高了点坐标的计算精度。
To improve the accuracy of the coordinates of points, a model is described which consider the equation geometric meaning, making use of mid-point of crossover line to get 3D points coordinate.