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 公安机关 添加此单词到默认生词本
public security organ
public security organization

  1. 在搜查的时候,除紧急情形外,应当有公安机关的搜查证。
    Except in emergency situations, the public security organ must have a search warrant during a search.
  2. 持有枪支的单位和个人,应当在公安机关指定的时间、地点接受查验。
    Units and individuals that hold guns shall undergo inspection at the time and place as designated by public security organs.
  3. 为外国人的移动性住宿工具提供场地的机构或者个人,应于24小时前向当地公安机关申报。
    The institutions or individuals that furnish sites for the aliens' movable living facilities shall report to the local public security organ 24 hours ahead of time.

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