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 公司权力 添加此单词到默认生词本
corporate power

  1. 公司权力层遭遇剧变,员工往往深受打击,但是总有解决的办法。
    Given that companies often experience fast, dramatic shifts in power, there are ways to ease the blow to employees, who often feel traumatized by the change.
  2. 过去四十年来,肆无忌惮扩张的公司权力已经凌驾于华盛顿和各州首府之上了。
    For the past forty years, the expansion of unchecked corporate power has taken over Washington and state capitals.
  3. 股东会和董事会之间的权力制衡机制是公司权力制衡机制中的首要问题。
    The mechanism of balance of power between the Meeting and the Board is the key problem of the mechanism of balance of power of company.

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