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 公司发展计划 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计划] corporate development program

  1. 把和投资者会谈这样的事插在公司发展计划的空闲间隔里,而不是把公司发展事宜安排在和投资者会谈的间隙里。
    Fit meetings with investors into the spare moments in your development schedule, rather than doing development in the spare moments between meetings with investors.
  2. 许多协议实际上还只是些选择,投资者有义务提交公司发展计划,并支付定金后,才能实际拥有土地所有权。
    Many of these deals are in fact options, with the onus on the investors to present firm development plans and to deposit down payments before they actually secure title to the land.
  3. 中国最大的芯片制造商中芯国际(SMIC)日前已聘请投资银行,寻找一位愿意为该公司发展计划融资的战略投资者。
    Semiconductor Manufacturing International, China's biggest chipmaker, has hired investment banks to find a strategic investor willing to help bankroll the company's development plans.

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