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 undulation [,ʌndju'leiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 波动, 波状弯曲, 起伏

[医] 波动

    [ noun ]
    1. an undulating curve

    2. <noun.shape>
    3. wavelike motion; a gentle rising and falling in the manner of waves

    4. <noun.event>
    5. (physics) a movement up and down or back and forth

    6. <noun.event>

    Undulation \Un`du*la"tion\, n. [Cf. F. ondulation.]
    1. The act of undulating; a waving motion or vibration; as,
    the undulations of a fluid, of water, or of air; the
    undulations of sound.

    2. A wavy appearance or outline; waviness. --Evelyn.

    3. (Mus.)
    (a) The tremulous tone produced by a peculiar pressure of
    the finger on a string, as of a violin.
    (b) The pulsation caused by the vibrating together of two
    tones not quite in unison; -- called also {beat}.

    4. (Physics) A motion to and fro, up and down, or from side
    to side, in any fluid or elastic medium, propagated
    continuously among its particles, but with no translation
    of the particles themselves in the direction of the
    propagation of the wave; a wave motion; a vibration.

    1. The forest floor is a spooky moss-covered undulation of fallen trees being digested. All 400 former Haida settlements, with their large wooden clan houses, have been reclaimed by the rainforest.
    2. Those in the know agree that the cutting edge of undulation is here in New York.
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