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=Una Norma Espanola 西班牙国家标准[西]

    1. "Asters et Fruits sur une Table," a still life by Henri Fantin-Latour, brought $1.87 million.
    2. Richard Lederer writes in Verbatim, the Language Quarterly, that a version of the song in early French had the suitor offering only a partridge, or une pertriz.
    3. Diaghilev identified its lack of substance by calling it une operette dansee when he presented it during the 1924/25 seasons, with the athletic, magnetically beautiful presence of Anton Dolin its justification as the darling of the plage, le Beau Gosse.
    4. La danse, it says on the programme cover, c'est une declaration d'amour.
    5. Pundits on television have been heard muttering: 'Le mini c'est termine' or 'une chose c'est certaine, le mini est absolument abandonne'. The news need not be as depressing as it sounds.
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