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 unearned [,ʌn'ә:nd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 非劳动所得的, 通过投资赚得的, 不配的

[法] 不劳而获的, 不应得的, 份外的

    [ adj ]
    not gained by merit or labor or service
    accepted the unearned rewards that came his ways as well as the unearned criticismunearned income
    an unearned run

    Unearned \Un*earned"\, a.
    Not earned; not gained by labor or service.

    {Unearned increment} (Polit. Econ.), a increase in the value
    of land due to no labor or expenditure on the part of the
    owner, but to natural causes, such as the increase of
    population, the growth of a town in the vicinity, or the
    like. Some hold that this should belong to the nation.

    1. Unanticipated inflation creates unearned wealth and undeserved poverty.
    2. Some Pounds 281m (Pounds 262m) was earmarked for outstanding claims, with a further Pounds 147m (Pounds 95m) in unearned premium reserves.
    3. The real complications occur when your child is under 14 and has unearned income of more than $1,000. In that case, some of the child's income will be taxed at your, presumably higher, maximum tax rate.
    4. The problem for the West is how to reach out toward the people of Vietnam without simultaneously handing cash and an unearned stamp of approval to the disgusting government in Hanoi.
    5. The idea is to put earned and unearned income on a 'level playing field'. Thresholds would be high - an income of Pounds 3,000 from investment would probably be needed before you paid any tax on it.
    6. "Many utilities have been recognizing unearned earnings with no real assurance that they will ever be collected," said S. Arlene Barnes, an analyst at First Boston Corp.
    7. For children who have unearned income above $1,000, the proposed rules explain how to arrive at net unearned income.
    8. For children who have unearned income above $1,000, the proposed rules explain how to arrive at net unearned income.
    9. The regulations affect children who have at least one living parent and who realize at least $1,000 of unearned income during the tax year.
    10. If the summer worker has no "unearned" income, he or she won't have to pay any income tax on wage, salary or tip earnings up to the standard deduction of $3,000, notes the accounting firm of Price Waterhouse.
    11. Under independent taxation married women can use their own personal tax allowance to set against both earned and unearned income. As the charts make clear there were some losers both among the employed and those on high incomes.
    12. The obligation under the bond was a simple one, to pay unearned balance.
    13. Then the remaining unearned income can be reduced in two ways.
    14. Proponents justify their increasingly strict ordinances by accusing developers of receiving "unearned profits" from appreciated values while leaving cities and counties to deal with the higher public costs and a lack of affordable housing.
    15. The IRS said that so far many taxpayers' questions have been about such areas as the taxability of unemployment benefits, a new rule for children under age 14 with unearned income, and itemized deductions for taxes and miscellaneous items.
    16. But, until they're 14, everything over $1,000 of their unearned income generally will be taxed at their parents' presumably higher rate.
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