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 unduly [,ʌn'dju:li]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 不适当地, 过度地

[法] 过分的, 过度的, 不正当的

    [ adv ]
    to an undue degree
    she was unduly pessimistic about her future

    Unduly \Un*du"ly\, adv.
    In an undue manner.

    1. 'I don't think that I'm unduly academic. I try to lay out what the issues are.
    2. In the ensuing investigation, it was revealed that U.S. authorities had received warnings about the possibility of a terrorist attack but had not made them public, believing they were not necessarily reliable and might unduly spread alarm.
    3. Although Gonzalez in the past has been skeptical of bank deregulation, other members of the House committee are strong advocates, he said, adding that a proposed series of regional hearings on the issue need not delay action unduly.
    4. But he added that "management has wisely been paying attention to operations and isn't unduly worrying about raiders and things like that."
    5. Like many sophisticated Americans, David Hale, chief economist with Kemper Financial Services in Chicago, is not unduly surprised by the stories of alleged influence and cronyism seeping out about Arkansas, home state of the Clintons.
    6. Some cattle raisers have sought a ban on cattle-futures trading, contending that cash cattle prices are unduly depressed by that exchange's activity.
    7. "Ask yourself: Is my spouse going to be receptive to hear this now, and how can I phrase it so he or she will not feel unduly attacked.
    8. This may be unduly pessimistic if only because the manufacturing base is held together now, as it was 20 years ago, by a relatively small number of companies.
    9. Indeed, it is too easy to regard every fall of any significance as a 'crash' and every rise as a 'boom.' This week's market movement should not upset investors unduly.
    10. It sounds like a prescription for the UK corporate sector as a whole, including the likely prospect of limited further recovery in 1992. But this need not be unduly bad news for ICI's share price, whatever it means for the market.
    11. But U.S. trade negotiators yesterday claimed that regulations proposed by Tokyo's Justice Ministry still are unduly restrictive.
    12. Such guidance obviously includes detail, which is often given unduly prescriptive weight in civil litigation, or paraded as 'law' by safety contractors or less reputable safety consultants.
    13. There is nothing unemphatic or unduly modest about what we see, and no English Missery (I'm tempted to write 'English misery').
    14. Mr. Sick does concede that Mr. Hashemi's late brother Cyrus, alleged to be a key October Surprise player (and proven to have been at least a marginal player in the 1980 hostage crisis and the Iran-Contra affair) was "not unduly scrupulous".
    15. The Liffe March gilt futures contract dropped by 2 23/32 points to 111 13/16. The fall in bond markets across Europe prompted the largest one-day fall in UK equities for the past 16 months, although trading volume in the stock market was not unduly heavy.
    16. If nothing were done and no new inward investors came, employment might fall from the current 45,000 to 27,500. Monitor's findings appeared to some to be unduly alarmist.
    17. Crane said Goetz's failure to show remorse for the crime "gave me concern he might recidivate in possessing a firearm" and added that a jail term "would not be unduly harsh." Goetz left immediately for the Rikers Island jail.
    18. UK investors should not be unduly excited by the 5 per cent jump in BP shares yesterday.
    19. The Brady report seems to have been unduly influenced by this political calculus, judging by the report's excessively harsh verdict against program trading.
    20. It seems a lot to expect by Christmas. Perhaps the situation looks unduly gloomy in a European perspective.
    21. But Mr. Mahoney says he isn't unduly worried about an upturn in interest rates because TransLogic's sales are rising more than 15% a year.
    22. Judge Sweet added that the case should be moved in part because of "the need to protect participants in the restored plans from unduly protracted uncertainty about the status of their benefits."
    23. It is their pace over the ground - which the Welsh lack - where the game will be won. I do not see England being unduly bothered about tries in spite of the media interest.
    24. Wright, the convention chairman, is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee because of allegations that he made unduly large royalties on a book he wrote.
    25. We live near Buckingham Palace, so perhaps I am unduly sensitive.
    26. A comparison with Eurotunnel may be unduly pessimistic given that cable companies are much nearer break-even than Eurotunnel was when floated in 1987.
    27. In itself, this may not be unduly damaging.
    28. The former partner, Louis Walter, charged that Holiday Inns had induced him to sell his share in the casino at an unduly low price.
    29. The judge said the two lawyers agreed to work out compromise language, adding, "There is general concern that there be no language that unduly arouses the markets."
    30. Six top executives walked off the job at Lord Geller on March 18, saying they felt unduly constrained under WPP's management.
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