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 puzzling ['pʌzl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 使迷惑的, 把人难住的

    [ adj ]
    1. not clear to the understanding

    2. <adj.all>
      I didn't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later
      prophetic texts so enigmatic that their meaning has been disputed for centuries
    3. lacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity

    4. <adj.all>
      sent confusing signals to Iraq
      perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it
      a puzzling statement

    puzzle \puz"zle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {puzzled} (p[u^]z"z'ld);
    p. pr. & vb. n. {puzzling} (p[u^]z"zl[i^]ng).]
    1. To perplex; to confuse; to embarrass; to put to a stand;
    to nonplus.

    A very shrewd disputant in those points is dexterous
    in puzzling others. --Dr. H. More.

    He is perpetually puzzled and perplexed amidst his
    own blunders. --Addison.

    2. To make intricate; to entangle.

    They disentangle from the puzzled skein. --Cowper.

    The ways of Heaven are dark and intricate,
    Puzzled in mazes, and perplexed with error.

    3. To solve by ingenuity, as a puzzle; -- followed by out;
    as, to puzzle out a mystery.

    Syn: To embarrass; perplex; confuse; bewilder; confound. See

    1. While puzzling over her response, the narrator recounts how his mother would dismiss and rehire her several times in succession.
    2. I wondered, on arriving at its puzzling entrance.
    3. The administrators who control 55 per cent of Mirror Group Newspapers' shares will be furiously puzzling about when to dispose of their stake.
    4. Trygve Haavelmo of Norway won the prize in economics for showing that mathematical probabilities could be used to predict the puzzling shifts in the economy.
    5. He made it intellectually puzzling and morally complex, but kept it light.
    6. The accounting irregularities are the latest in a series of puzzling incidents that have bewildered large institutional investors, some of which have lost patience with the company.
    7. Dickinson said the NTSB hadn't expected the interview with captain to yield a clue that might solve the puzzling crash, although investigators had been awaiting permission to talk to Davis.
    8. Meanwhile, Saturn and Riney are still puzzling over some basic questions, such as how closely should Saturn tie itself to GM in its ads.
    9. But this makes the action on dividends the more puzzling, particularly since there has been no obvious pressure from the banks.
    10. I had too much personality inside me to become that android." Hurricane Joan's 80 mph winds churned across the open Caribbean today on an unusual southern path that has forecasters puzzling over its potential strength and possible landfall.
    11. The project may help solve some puzzling problems of space flight, said Ronald Hullinger, a professor of veterinary medicine at Purdue and one of Vellinger's advisers.
    12. "My biggest fear was that we would go through the Downey test and get no leak at all," said Lenoir. "I'm encouraged." Finding no leak, officials said, would have made the leak even more puzzling and more difficult to repair.
    13. Some of the suggestions were downright puzzling, such as Cactus Sphinx.
    14. The Fed's unusually lengthy delay in announcing who will testify, and when, is "very puzzling," said Maria Fiorini Ramirez, managing director and money market economist at Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.
    15. Ian MacKinnon, bond manager at the Vanguard Group in Valley Forge, Pa., characterized the two-day rally as puzzling.
    16. Details are thrown away too lightly, such as the father's admission that he not only never loved his wife, he never loved anyone - puzzling, since he demonstrates love for both sons.
    17. In 1994, dividends have bounded up by an unexpectedly healthy 8 per cent but the All-Share has tumbled by 12 per cent. Such share price behaviour might seem disappointing and puzzling to many investors, but it is predictable.
    18. Even in industrialised countries, annual growth has not yet dipped below 1 per cent and will probably accelerate next year to more than 2 per cent. Viewed from Washington, the gloom pervading Europe is puzzling.
    19. I think other people will find it puzzling, odd, maybe unfulfilling in some way.
    20. "It's all very puzzling, but the next play is theirs," Mr. Morton said.
    21. But some observers detect the presidential hand in the otherwise puzzling demotion of Hodysz.
    22. Mr Heseltine appears more willing than many of his predecessors to second-guess the director-general, who is the competition regulator. More puzzling to observers, however, are the grounds on which Mr Heseltine is believed to have made his decision.
    23. It isn't Tennyson, and the jargon can be a bit puzzling, but logger poetry is more established than is generally understood, devotees contend.
    24. And lawmakers are puzzling over what to do about huge sums in little-controlled and unreported collected by the national parties.
    25. What is puzzling is that the only black person you could find to "trash" Mr. Sharpton is a politician from Maryland who obviously is trying to ingratiate himself with the white community.
    26. "I find your telex very puzzling.
    27. Twilegar, the underdog in the race, began running ads critical of Rep. Larry Craig's opposition to abortion after the congressman gave a puzzling response in a debate two weeks ago.
    28. "We've had no problems whatsoever," said Takiff. "Just general differences of opinion." Takiff said he found Sonnett's move puzzling, especially since Sonnett recently appeared on CNN's "Crossfire" and spoke of Noriega.
    29. A three-hour fete, both puzzling and pleasurable, it unfolded under a cliched photograph of the fat master sporting one of the ill-fitting wigs he favored in his later years.
    30. It makes that mystery even more puzzling if the mathematics somehow isn't there, if it's our creation. 'Einstein's theory of general relativity is a wonderful example why that can't be the case.
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