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 PWA 添加此单词到默认生词本
=Pacific Western Airlines太平洋西部航空公司

    1. Michel Leblanc, president and chief executive officer, said the airline will seek a major financial institution or a major U.S. or European airline as a minority partner to replace PWA.
    2. PWA Health Group maintained its action is legal.
    3. Griffin Gold, the president of the PWA Coalition, says lack of strength forced him to give up his job as a real-estate appraiser.
    4. Under its revised fleet plan, PWA said it will also increase its existing fleet of eight Boeing 767-300ER aircraft to 18 by 1994, and add four more Boeing 747-400s by 1994 to the two units that it previously planned to add by next year.
    5. The directors will remain on the board of the parent company, PWA Corporation. PWA said the reorganisation was to address directors' liability concerns.
    6. The directors will remain on the board of the parent company, PWA Corporation. PWA said the reorganisation was to address directors' liability concerns.
    7. Ontario Express is 49%-owned by PWA, parent of Canadian Airlines International Ltd., Canada's second-largest airline.
    8. Analysts said that Intair's related and apparently permanent departure from the heavily traveled Montreal-Toronto and Ottawa-Toronto routes will help both PWA and its main competitor, Air Canada.
    9. Canadian Airlines International is a unit of PWA Corp. of Calgary, Alberta.
    10. Ere long, he began piling up deficits in order to "pump prime" the economy, and he made the government bigger by adding all those alphabetical agencies such as the WPA, the PWA and (briefly) the NRA.
    11. PWA Health Group said it can fill U.S. prescriptions abroad at a retail cost of $40 per dose, including handling.
    12. Energy and consumer products were off moderately. PWA Corp, the day's most active issue, rallied 0.30 to 5 1/4 on PWA's announcement that it was discussing a strategic partnership with American Airlines.
    13. Energy and consumer products were off moderately. PWA Corp, the day's most active issue, rallied 0.30 to 5 1/4 on PWA's announcement that it was discussing a strategic partnership with American Airlines.
    14. Canada's two largest airlines, Air Canada and Canadian Airlines International Ltd., which is a unit of PWA Corp., voluntarily extended the current Canadian ban to include all domestic and North American flights.
    15. He called again for a merger with rival Canadian Airlines, now trying to complete a stock and operating alliance with American Airlines. PWA, Canadian's parent company, forecast it would report a heavy 1992 loss later this month.
    16. Jeffrey T. Schmidlin Cincinnati PWA Corp. said it plans to sell by spring 1992 all 15 passenger planes it acquired earlier this year in its 248 million Canadian dollar (US$211.6 million) purchase of Wardair Inc.
    17. PWA Corp. said it expects a profitable first quarter for the first time in at least 10 years and higher net income in 1988 than in 1987, according to Murray Sigler, a PWA director and president of its Canadian Airlines International unit.
    18. PWA Corp. said it expects a profitable first quarter for the first time in at least 10 years and higher net income in 1988 than in 1987, according to Murray Sigler, a PWA director and president of its Canadian Airlines International unit.
    19. However, a PWA spokesman said that while it hasn't ruled out anything, it would prefer to sell a minority stake to a foreign airline rather than merge with Air Canada.
    20. A unit of PWA Corp. of Calgary, Alberta, it doesn't want to merge international operations with Air Canada's.
    21. The two carriers are losing about CDollars 2m (USDollars 1.6m) a day between them. 'We are confident creditors will see the advantages of our plan,' said Mr Rhys Eyton, PWA chairman.
    22. Canadian Airlines is a unit of PWA Corp., Calgary, Alberta.
    23. The price began to rise shortly after the stock was issued in October, but it soared in January after PWA Corp. announced it was buying Wardair.
    24. PWA hoped to fly out of the clouds by forging an alliance with American Airlines.
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