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 PW 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. It was not PW, the prime minister, nor Piet, the foreign minister.
    2. It said security against the lending was probably unenforceable and financial information on the loans 'inadequate'. The report estimates that PW received about Dollars 5m a year for its work on the BCCI audit and related services.
    3. There was accordingly a period during which, within PW, there was some doubt about the reliability of the informant's often rather enigmatic communications.' By February 1990, Price Waterhouse felt able to go to the Bank to discuss its growing fears.
    4. Not much was known about Sir Robert, but his Order of Merit impressed PW London.
    5. 'Project finance is a natural extension of PW's existing work on privatisation.'
    6. PW forecasts that non-German companies will have important stakes in half the front-line companies.
    7. But the audits provide only a blurred picture of what was happening at PW, and whatever further evidence exists remains locked away in PW's safe, beyond the reach even of Mr Kerry's subpoenas. The result is that Mr Kerry seems unsure what to make of PW.
    8. But the audits provide only a blurred picture of what was happening at PW, and whatever further evidence exists remains locked away in PW's safe, beyond the reach even of Mr Kerry's subpoenas. The result is that Mr Kerry seems unsure what to make of PW.
    9. But the audits provide only a blurred picture of what was happening at PW, and whatever further evidence exists remains locked away in PW's safe, beyond the reach even of Mr Kerry's subpoenas. The result is that Mr Kerry seems unsure what to make of PW.
    10. It was to be nine months before the misuse of the Ruling Family's portfolio became known to PW and the Bank. 'I have to regard this as a serious and potentially influential omission, even if the Abu Dhabi shareholders' understanding was as they say.
    11. They will now concentrate on supporting Hughes in his new management role. Hughes told his partners this week that his role is to develop PW's worldwide objectives and further develop its international network.
    12. 'He screamed at me about causing the firm severe embarrassment and how could we bite the hand that fed us and how PW would continue to fund the chair over his dead body,' he recalls. Mr Wilkes, now retired from PW, says: 'I did have words.
    13. 'He screamed at me about causing the firm severe embarrassment and how could we bite the hand that fed us and how PW would continue to fund the chair over his dead body,' he recalls. Mr Wilkes, now retired from PW, says: 'I did have words.
    14. It was the backbone of the damning Board of Trade report on Maxwell. The investigation was headed by a senior PW partner - Martin Harris.
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