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 PVC   添加此单词到默认生词本

[计] 永久虚电路

    [ noun ]
    1. a polymer of vinyl chloride used instead of rubber in electric cables

    2. <noun.substance>
    3. irregularity of cardiac rhythm; recurrent occurrences can be a precursor of ventricular fibrillation

    4. <noun.state>

    1. WARDLE STOREYS is to pay Pounds 2m for the PVC pressed sheet business of European Vinyls.
    2. PVC is used, among other things, as packaging, to insulate electrical equipment and to make window frames.
    3. Demand for PVC would be flat for the rest of the decade because of public pressure to reduce the use of chlorine, he warned. Poor pricing was not the root cause of the industry's problems, but rather the reflection of those problems.
    4. Cain now has seven plants on the Gulf Coast of Texas and is the nation's fifth-largest maker of ethylene, a component of PVC plastic.
    5. I am determined that Ucatt will become the most open, democratic and effective union in the TUC.' THESE ARE tricky times for west European manufacturers of PVC.
    6. It said its Occidental Chemical unit, a large U.S. PVC producer, will provide technology for the Soviet venture.
    7. But the company has been hit by sharply reduced earnings at its PVC manufacturer, Aiscondel.
    8. The second facility would produce 50,000 metric tons a year of PVC film, used in food packaging, wall coverings and for reservoir linings.
    9. One move, announced yesterday - the merger of Hoechst's PVC activities with those of Wacker-Chemie - could save DM50m a year. According to Mr Hilger, prospects have been dimmed by falling demand.
    10. A US plant, using cheap gas rather than oil-derived feedstock, can sell PVC in Europe for Dollars 505, including tariffs and transport costs. This imbalance has prompted a shift in the balance of trade.
    11. Those clearly committed to the sector include Solvay of Belgium and Atochem of France. Hoechst says the merger of the PVC business with that of Wacker-Chemie will allow it to gain critical mass and save costs.
    12. PVC makers experienced a glut several years ago until demand caught up.
    13. Accordingly, in fires that don't involve PVC, the Bellcore device wouldn't trigger an alarm.
    14. The figures include the benefit of a roughly 10 per cent drop in the price of PVC, a significant raw material for the company's largest division, technical products.
    15. In the meantime, I'm using a black Samsonite PVC attache case with aluminium trim, about 3in deep, which my father gave me when I was 10. 'I'm a pretty big chap - I'm 6ft 1in - but I was mugged a year ago on the Tube in the rush hour.
    16. Glaxo shares fell 27 to 768p, making a slide of 44 since the end of last week. ICI lost 24 to 1009p as securities house UBS Phillips & Drew voiced caution over the potential in the bulk chemicals sector, particularly in PVC and polypropylene markets.
    17. The stage and the theater are strewn with PVC tubes.
    18. Two figures dressed like pest controllers in black PVC intone the sombre opening words of Therese Raquin.
    19. Hammer said Occidental is the largest producer of PVC in the United States.
    20. According to the ruling, the evidence strongly suggests the acquisition is partly responsible for recent "large increases in the price of PVC resins" in the U.S.
    21. The group was still looking at the possibility of selling the joint-venture PVC business. ICI's strategy looks sound.
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