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 purvey [pә'vei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 供给, 供应

vi. 供给, 供应

    [ verb ]
    supply with provisions
    <verb.possession> provision

    Purvey \Pur*vey"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Purveyed}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Purveying}.] [OE. purveien, porveien, OF. porveeir,
    porveoir, F. pourvoir, fr. L. providere. See {Provide}, and
    cf. {Purview}.]
    1. To furnish or provide, as with a convenience, provisions,
    or the like.

    Give no odds to your foes, but do purvey
    Yourself of sword before that bloody day. --Spenser.

    2. To procure; to get.

    I mean to purvey me a wife after the fashion of the
    children of Benjamin. --Sir W. Scot.

    Purvey \Pur*vey"\, v. i.
    1. To purchase provisions; to provide; to make provision.
    --Chaucer. Milton.

    2. To pander; -- with to. `` Their turpitude purveys to their
    malice.'' [R.] --Burke.

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