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 Purvin 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Purvin)人名;(英)珀文;(瑞典)普尔温

  1. The oil market landscape is price supportive in the near-term, " said Victor Shum, an analyst with energy consultancy Purvin & Gertz in Singapore."
    石油市场前景在近期内将会走高,”新加坡Purvin & Gertz能源顾问分析师VS说到。
  2. "We can count on slower economic growth in US and Europe, and that is going to impact demand for oil, " Victor Shum of Purvin and Gertz told the BBC.
    Purvin和Gertz的Victor Shum告诉BBC记者:“我们可以预期美国和欧洲的慢速增长,这将影响石油需求。”
  3. Ms. Purvin, a 36-year-old teacher living in Plano, Tex., said that after she got over the initial jolt of seeing her friend’s face, she was happy for the reminder.
    住在Plano Tex的一位36岁的教师说,在经历了看到死去朋友样子的痛苦之后,她也非常开心能收到这样的提醒。

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