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 purview ['pɚvju]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 范围, 权限, 视界

[法] 权限, 职权范围, 范围

    [ noun ]
    the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated
    It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge

    Purview \Pur"view\, n. [OF. purveu, pourveu, F. pourvu,
    provided, p. p. of OF. porveoir, F. pourvoir. See {Purvey},
    {View}, and cf. {Proviso}.]
    (a) (Law) The body of a statute, or that part which begins
    with `` Be it enacted, '' as distinguished from the
    preamble. --Cowell.
    (b) Hence: The limit or scope of a statute; the whole
    extent of its intention or provisions. --Marshall.

    Profanations within the purview of several
    statutes. --Bacon.

    2. Limit or sphere of authority; scope; extent.

    In determining the extent of information required in
    the exercise of a particular authority, recourse
    must be had to the objects within the purview of
    that authority. --Madison.

    1. The court has removed entire congeries of legal issues, such as those pertaining to the legality of state search warrants from federal habeas corpus purview.
    2. The privacy provisions, I think, apply essentially to the people who were interviewed, and I don't think it's within the purview of my power to waive anything.
    3. "There was enough there to cause a suspicion" that Col. North was conducting investigations "outside his purview," Mr. Revell recalled.
    4. Often brutalized by their own governments and subjected to egregious human rights abuses, they usually fall out of the purview of international relief efforts.
    5. America's mainline faiths, mostly missing from television's sweeping purview in recent years, are launching a new, unprecedented ecumenical network on the nation's cable TV systems.
    6. However, the decision is a major setback to the Fed's moves in recent years to expand the purview of its regulation from the holding company to the entire banking organization.
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