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 purveyor [pә'veiә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 承办伙食者, 承办商人, 征发官员

    [ noun ]
    someone who supplies provisions (especially food)

    Purveyor \Pur*vey"or\, n. [OE. porveour, OF. pourveor, F.
    pourvoyeur. See {Purvey}, and cf. {Proveditor}.]
    1. One who provides victuals, or whose business is to make
    provision for the table; a victualer; a caterer.

    2. An officer who formerly provided, or exacted provision,
    for the king's household. [Eng.]

    3. a procurer; a pimp; a bawd. --Addison.

    1. Which pasta purveyor also produces cigarettes?
    2. It looked like ESPN, the leading purveyor of sports programming on cable TV, wouldn't get to broadcast the event.
    3. Politics has traditionally been off limits at the Census Bureau, but that agency's jealously guarded reputation as a nonpartisan purveyor of the nation's statistics has lately begun to fray.
    4. The purveyor of colorful, risque underwear that included satin bustiers, edible panties and peekaboo bras died Saturday night at his home, family attorney Morton Field said Sunday.
    5. The exuberant purveyor of purple satin bustiers, edible panties and peekaboo bras died Saturday night at his Los Angeles home, said Morton Field, the family attorney.
    6. Britain is booming as an arms dealer, supplanting the United States as wealthy Saudi Arabia's biggest supplier and edging out long-time rival France globally as purveyor of everything from bullets to jet fighters.
    7. King once declared the U.S. government to be "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world" and vehemently opposed the Vietnam War, in which Powell served two tours of duty.
    8. He is famous for being a right-winger, a Eurosceptic who spoke foolishly about foreigners at the 1993 party conference and a purveyor of embarrassingly bad verse.
    9. And the abundance of alternative domestic fuels has weakened whatever claim it had as purveyor of a vital national resource. But powerful though these arguments look, many people believe they have been overstated.
    10. Yuko Kikuchi, a spokeswoman for C Two-Network Co., a Tokyo food purveyor, says, "Companies want to promote concepts like freedom."
    11. The company, founded by his father, began as a purveyor of lubricating oil and grease.
    12. BAT is a kind of corporate Jekyll and Hyde: on the one hand, an Anglo-American insurance giant, on the other the free world's second biggest purveyor of the killer weed, tobacco.
    13. The new burger reflects a broad effort by the No. 1 hamburger chain to alter its image as a purveyor of high-fat, high-sodium foods.
    14. There might be objections from such quarters as China, given Beijing's embarrassing position as another covert arms purveyor to the Middle East.
    15. Aston Martin, the U.S.-owned purveyor of expensive sports cars, kept up its ties with the British royal family by giving scaled-down cars to the young sons of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.
    16. Church's is the second-largest purveyor of fast-food chicken in the country behind No.1 Kentucky Fried Chicken.
    17. Ron Baron, a New York money manager and investment adviser, speculates that Mr. Murdock wants to transform the Dole "franchise" into the nation's biggest purveyor of fruits and vegetables by acquiring all of Del Monte.
    18. Although not a powerhouse partnership purveyor, Dean Witter is among the leaders in roll-ups.
    19. Besides, Philip Morris is a big, diversified company, not just a purveyor of legal tobacco products.
    20. The business was put up for grabs among four candidates by Dole, Castle & Cooke Inc.'s $3 billion-a-year purveyor of fruit, vegetables and packaged foods.
    21. Already, the Simon company has helped expand Mario of Palm Springs, a purveyor of hand-painted women's wear, to seven malls from one, and is considering taking the business nationwide.
    22. SafeCard Services, a controversial purveyor of credit-card insurance whose stock fell 86% in the past year, got a big bounce yesterday on talk of better earnings and a possible management change.
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