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 possessions [pə'zeʃənz添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 财产

  1. If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown.
  2. He was stripped of all his possessions.

  1. Her daily routine at the nursing home is to have breakfast in bed and then spend the day caring for her possessions, including dolls and stuffed animals.
  2. Even as Wright nominated Rep. Tom Foley of Washington as speaker in a somber speech on the House floor, workers were trundling his possessions out of the speaker's ceremonial office on canvas-covered carts.
  3. Some residents picked through rubble seeking prized possessions or building material.
  4. Burglars ransacked the home of 6-year-old AIDS victim Eliana Martinez and stole about $1,800 worth of possessions, including a medical device used to treat the deadly disease, police say.
  5. After a bankruptcy trustee ordered liquidation of their assets last spring, the couple sold two cars and moved $250,000 worth of personal possessions to California and opened their new business under assumed names, authorities said.
  6. Thousands of blacks fled the townships with their possessions piled in wheelbarrows and shopping carts, seeking shelter at hospitals, schools and churches.
  7. Said to be half-crazed by electroshock treatments in prison, Mr. Guillen Landrau lives in a dilapidated Havana apartment and survives by selling off his meager possessions and trading an occasional painting for food.
  8. They said they were robbed of gold and jewellery at gunpoint and their possessions looted.
  9. After a decade of gains in the traditionally Democratic South and Southwest, Republicans are in danger of losing some of their most prized possessions Tuesday, including four governorships and conservative flag-carrier Jesse Helms' U.S. Senate seat.
  10. "I've also heard that there will be lots of disease," she said, sitting amid piles of dishes, appliances and other possessions pulled from the rubble of her home.
  11. Yabaya's possessions included gold needles, a bronze mirror with its enamel handle encrusted with precious stones, and tiny tongs for applying kohl, a dark eye makeup, the paper said.
  12. The Dallas businessmen were ordered to sell off their possessions to pay their creditors, the biggest of which is the Internal Revenue Service.
  13. We could feel the house moving," said Maxine Smith, who began removing possessions from her home Wednesday evening.
  14. More somber topics are covered by "Andre's Mother," McNally's poignant examination of what happens after the death of an AIDS victim, and a monologue by Arthur Miller on what a burglary does to one's sense of material possessions.
  15. Demand is also undergoing subtle changes influenced by a reluctance among the well-off to flaunt their possessions.
  16. Generally the child is expected to be able to identify his possessions from previous lives and has certain physical similaries to his predecessors.
  17. "These are the most sacred possessions we have," Neulander said. "To lose one is devastating." Several Jewish institutions, including a school, community center and a synagogue were burglarized in Cherry Hill.
  18. The family of actress Marlene Dietrich, who died last year, has sold almost 100,000 of her possessions to the city of Berlin for around Dollars 5m, to form the centrepiece of a film museum to be built in the city.
  19. Only Portugal put up a long, bitter fight to try to retain Angola, Mozambique and its other possessions, but conceded defeat in the mid-1970s.
  20. A week after the quake, people still picked through the remains of their homes, trying to recover possessions.
  21. Teachers also should beware of the importance a homeless child may attach to seemingly meaningless possessions.
  22. They don't have many possessions, and they're very protective of the possessions they do have." The Red Cross, already operating three shelters in Oakland and Berkeley, opened another one Sunday to handle the swelling numbers of evacuees.
  23. They don't have many possessions, and they're very protective of the possessions they do have." The Red Cross, already operating three shelters in Oakland and Berkeley, opened another one Sunday to handle the swelling numbers of evacuees.
  24. R. Gerald McMurtry, who assembled a treasure trove of Abraham Lincoln's possessions, letters and manuscripts while directing Fort Wayne's Louis A. Warren Lincoln Library and Museum, died Saturday.
  25. Petry had sold all his possessions to get to Wyoming.
  26. It was the first time the imperial family has revealed the value of its possessions.
  27. Sandoval planned his escape for years, stashing some of his possessions with friends in Europe whenever he had the opportunity to tour.
  28. It's a miserable life." Among her meager possessions was a tattered blue book on legal rights of the homeless printed by the Legal Aid Society.
  29. Caravans of crowded buses, their roofs piled high with the last possessions of shattered lives, evacuated the remaining residents of Jordan's most crowded and squalid refugee camp.
  30. U.S. government officials will meet with island representatives this week to begin mapping a foreign and domestic policy for America's far-flung possessions in the Pacific and Caribbean.
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