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 possessor [pә'zesә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 持有人, 所有人

[法] 拥有的, 所有者, 持有人

    [ noun ]
    a person who owns something
    they are searching for the owner of the carwho is the owner of that friendly smile?

    Possessor \Pos*sess"or\, n. [L.: cf. F. possesseur.]
    One who possesses; one who occupies, holds, owns, or
    controls; one who has actual participation or enjoyment,
    generally of that which is desirable; a proprietor.
    ``Possessors of eternal glory.'' --Law.

    As if he had been possessor of the whole world.

    Syn: Owner; proprietor; master; holder; occupant.

    1. So Air Inter sees Air France, its largest shareholder and the most influential French carrier and possessor of complete European traffic rights, as its ticket.
    2. In the company's terms, all that happened was that New Coke, instead of being a "flagship brand," became a "fighting brand" within a "megabrand," possessor of attributes that are a "strategic plank" in Coke's total marketing scheme.
    3. A defense against retaliation might lead the possessor of such a defense to the conclusion that he could strike in safety, according to that theory.
    4. At the Tower of London he has guided the 're-creation' of the Royal Lodgings of King Edward I. When King Henry VIII died in 1547 in his palace in Whitehall he was the proud possessor of more than 60 houses.
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