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 possibility [,pɒsә'biliti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 可能性, 可能的事

[法] 可能性, 可能发生的事, 不确定权

    [ noun ]
    1. a future prospect or potential

    2. <noun.cognition>
      this room has great possibilities
    3. capability of existing or happening or being true

    4. <noun.state>
      there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired
    5. a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena

    6. <noun.cognition>
      a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory
      he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices
    7. a possible alternative

    8. <noun.cognition>
      bankruptcy is always a possibility

    Possibility \Pos`si*bil"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Possibilities}. [F.
    possibilit['e], L. possibilitas.]
    1. The quality or state of being possible; the power of
    happening, being, or existing. ``All possibility of
    error.'' --Hooker. ``Latent possibilities of excellence.''

    2. That which is possible; a contingency; a thing or event
    that may not happen; a contingent interest, as in real or
    personal estate. --South. Burrill.

    1. Asked if he might bring the world leaders to Texas, possibly to San Antonio, the president remarked, "That's a distinct possibility.
    2. But the official left open the possibility of such trials for Saddam Hussein, his clique and other officers accused of committing atrocities in Kuwait.
    3. Western diplomats here said this was a good possibility.
    4. Investigators also were considering the possibility of loss of power in an engine as a cause of the sudden descent, according to the sources.
    5. Among the most significant of those events are the sudden spike in the price of oil and the looming possibility of a recession soon.
    6. What little chance there was of reaching a new accord, which blossomed simply because the 74 member nations were discussing the possibility, completely disappeared following the strong tone of a Brazilian representative's comments.
    7. And some Democrats already have raised the possibility of mounting a filibuster, which can only be stopped if there are 60 votes against it.
    8. The bishops did not take a stand on whether penalties should be imposed, but several Catholic leaders said the church should discuss the possibility and action has been taken in some dioceses.
    9. A House subcommittee last year looked into the possibility that the FBI's interviews of TecNica volunteers returning from Nicaragua amounted to an unwarranted investigation of the group.
    10. "We didn't make any money this year, but there is a good possibility that we're going to make money in the mid- to late 90s," Ballew said.
    11. Now, Alan Greenspan, the Fed's chairman, is sounding warnings about the possibility that growth at too strong a pace could revive inflationary pressures.
    12. "We didn't have any prospects of selling MeraBank, but I think now that the federal government has taken over, they will have a prospect of selling it, and that is a possibility we've all considered for some time," Sargent said.
    13. They included some union and business leaders who regarded him as the best possibility for lifting the city out of a cycle of drugs and murder that has brought unwelcome headlines across the nation.
    14. Some, though, said Mr. Johnson seemed much more concerned about the possibility of inflation than of recession.
    15. But Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati on the same day left open the possibility.
    16. The FBI has not ruled out that possibility, Geiman said.
    17. Once the group arrived in Baghdad, Cathell said he learned the PLO leader was in town and broached the possibility of a meeting with the congressional aides.
    18. Brooke Shields has also been mentioned as a possibility for the role originally played by Madonna.
    19. Reid Weingarten, a lawyer for Cary Maultasch, another former Drexel bond salesman, said, "We have caught wind of the possibility of a hearing.
    20. And there is always the possibility that controversies could erupt.
    21. Rifkin said that once the genetic code, or genome, is known there is a possibility that this will be used by employers, insurance companies and others to discriminate against people whose genetic make up includes potential disease-causing defects.
    22. The three inmates were serving life sentences without possibility for parole and were housed separately in cells in the same prison wing, said Jerrie Clutter, secretary to Warden Jerry Hedrick.
    23. President Turgut Ozal said Friday that Turkey is on guard against a possible Iraqi attack, but he played down the possibility his country will become a target.
    24. On a stop in Panama, the vice president Quayle will discuss the possibility of U.S. aid to repair the invasion-torn nation, said Quayle press secretary David Beckwith.
    25. Eastern officials in the past said there were no plans to move Eastern's corporate headquarters from Miami to Atlanta, but wouldn't speculate on whether that was a possibility later.
    26. UAL's pilot leaders raised the possibility that the unions' buy-out effort might fail, forcing a resumption of conventional labor negotiations.
    27. "There's no possibility of forming a single entity now," said a government ministry official, who asked not to be identified.
    28. Another possibility is a push into custom-parts production.
    29. "There is the possibility that others are there," Terstiege told the AP. "It's also possible that because of the arrests, any who may have been there are now trying to leave the country.
    30. Opinion polls which increasingly show that a French 'no' vote is a real possibility increases the strain on weak ERM members; if the monetary union project finally unravels, the markets may lose faith altogether in current ERM parities.
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