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 possible ['pɒsәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 可能的, 潜在的, 合适的

n. 可能性, 可能的事物

[经] 可能的

    [ noun ]
    1. something that can be done

    2. <noun.cognition>
      politics is the art of the possible
    3. an applicant who might be suitable

    4. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. capable of happening or existing

    2. <adj.all>
      a breakthrough may be possible next year
      anything is possible
      warned of possible consequences
    3. existing in possibility

    4. <adj.all>
      a potential problem
      possible uses of nuclear power

    Possible \Pos"si*ble\, a. [F., fr. L. possibilis, fr. posse to
    be able, to have power; potis able, capable + esse to be. See
    {Potent}, {Am}, and cf. {Host} a landlord.]
    Capable of existing or occurring, or of being conceived or
    thought of; able to happen; capable of being done; not
    contrary to the nature of things; -- sometimes used to
    express extreme improbability; barely able to be, or to come
    to pass; as, possibly he is honest, as it is possible that
    Judas meant no wrong.

    With God all things are possible. --Matt. xix.

    Syn: Practicable; likely. See {Practicable}.

    1. Any of these, at least at first glance, could preclude Mexico as a possible site.
    2. Mr. Cook said that he wasn't concerned about a possible takeover of the company.
    3. It's possible, but there is no reason to expect such an outcome.
    4. After resisting pressure for months, Audi of America Inc. said it agreed to comply with a government request to recall Audi 5000 series cars to correct possible problems of sudden, unintended acceleration.
    5. Federal securities regulators have questioned MAI Basic Four Inc. about possible violations of stock margin requirements in its hostile bid for Prime Computer Inc., MAI Basic confirmed Monday.
    6. We would tell them, `You are under possible assessment by a foreign intelligence operation.
    7. Separately, Moody's Investor's Service said it placed the company's Baa-2 rating on long-term debt of about $53 million under review for possible downgrade.
    8. Rep. E. Thomas Coleman, R-Mo., a key figure in House negotiations on the endowment's future, said the report could serve as the possible framework for a compromise.
    9. It's entirely possible, of course, that their enthusiasm came partly from the fact that most of them couldn't see much of what was going on.
    10. The Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper of Munich reported that Wolf had taken refuge in the Soviet Union to avoid possible arrest in connection with a weapons scandal that occurred under the ousted hard-line Communist regime.
    11. Some Soviet soldiers are resigned to going home, but want to buy as much as possible to take with them.
    12. "I want to drop as much money into that mall as possible." Marketers around the country, in fact, are beginning to capitalize on a renewed cultural pride among blacks.
    13. While neither product contains minoxidil, it's still "possible" that potential customers may confuse these products with Rogaine, Upjohn's Mr. Hoff said.
    14. By contrast, Dutoit's responsibility in Bell's Prokofiev is to realise as vividly as possible the bizarre colours of the scores, the better to set off the wicked solo role. He and his Montreal band (and the sound-engineers) do that to memorable effect.
    15. Obviously no precise projection is possible, but the death toll is staggering, with about 41,000 individuals killed monthly by heart attacks.
    16. The government has concluded that both Eastern Airlines and its sister carrier, Continental Airlines, are safe to fly, but a bitter labor-management war at Eastern raises possible safety risks if allowed to continue.
    17. MGM-UA Communications rose 3/8 to 20 3/8 on news of the possible revival of its agreement to be acquired for $25 a share by Qintex Australia.
    18. "They don't attempt to educate anyone about any possible health effects of smoking.
    19. But Ofwat might reason that an appeal or two might be an acceptable price to pay for keeping water bills as low as possible.
    20. She asked him to advise her of the results of the latest investigation as soon as possible.
    21. But people well-versed on the subject say such concern by possible users usually doesn't last.
    22. He has restored ties with Egypt and opened oil negotiations with the Americans for the possible return of U.S. oil companies to Libya, hinting he is also ready to improve relations.
    23. And both governors used the occasion to call for tougher fines and possible jail terms against violators.
    24. Most pilots "would just as soon have as little contact with him as possible," says Richard Russell, a DC-10 captain and 32-year veteran at United.
    25. This possible "trophy pricing" could hinder Mr. Traub's attempt.
    26. Once the gene has been identified, researchers can begin figuring out its function and then start searching for possible therapy.
    27. China announced Thursday it had released 211 jailed pro-democracy protesters, including several prominent academics, in a move that appeared timed to head off possible U.S. trade sanctions.
    28. It's possible that plans for the space station may change further even before Mr. Reagan leaves office.
    29. It therefore makes sense to resist it in a manner that preserves, and if possible promotes, the values sought to be vindicated.
    30. Mr. Willson, however, said that Carrington is pursuing several other possible buyers of the unit.
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