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 pampas ['pæmpәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 蒲苇

    [ noun ]
    the vast grassy plains of northern Argentina

    Pampas \Pam"pas\, n. pl. [Sp., fr. Peruv. pampa a field, plain.]
    Vast grass-covered plains in the central and southern part of
    the Argentine Republic in South America. The term is
    sometimes used in a wider sense for the plains east of the
    Andes extending from Bolivia to Southern Patagonia.

    {Pampas cat} (Zo["o]l.), a South American wild cat ({Felis
    pajeros}). It has oblique transverse bands of yellow or
    brown. It is about three and a half feet long. Called also
    {straw cat}.

    {Pampas deer} (Zo["o]l.), a small, reddish-brown, South
    American deer ({Cervus campestris} syn. {Blastocerus

    {Pampas grass} (Bot.), a very tall ornamental grass
    ({Gynerium argenteum}) with a silvery-white silky panicle.
    It is a native of the pampas of South America.

    1. To make matters worse, flooding has covered huge expanses of the pampas. The government has already eliminated hated export taxes and abolished taxes on fuel and bank loans.
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