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 pamphlet ['pæmflit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 小册子, 活页文选

    [ noun ]
    1. a small book usually having a paper cover

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet

    4. <noun.communication>

    Pamphlet \Pam"phlet\ (p[a^]m"fl[e^]t), v. i.
    To write a pamphlet or pamphlets. [R.] --Howell.

    Pamphlet \Pam"phlet\ (p[a^]m"fl[e^]t), n. [OE. pamflet,
    pamfilet, paunflet, possibly fr. OF. palme the palm of the
    hand, F. paume (see {Palm}) + OF. fueillet a leaf, dim. of
    fueil, m., F. feuille, f., fr. L. folium, pl. folia, thus
    meaning, a leaf to be held in the hand; or perh. through old
    French, fr. L. Pamphila, a female historian of the first
    century who wrote many epitomes; prob., however, fr. OF.
    Pamflette, the Old French name given to Pamphilus, a poem in
    Latin verse of the 12th century, pamphlets being named from
    the popularity of this poem.]
    1. A writing; a book. --Testament of love.

    Sir Thomas More in his pamphlet of Richard the
    Third. --Ascham.

    2. A small book consisting of a few sheets of printed paper,
    stitched together, often with a paper cover, but not
    bound; a short essay or written discussion, usually on a
    subject of current interest.

    1. A Marx-inspired visionary, his 1902 pamphlet, "What Is to Be Done?" became the Soviet equivalent of the Federalist Papers.
    2. Congress made a mailing mandatory the following year and the pamphlet "Understanding AIDS" went out to more than 100 million households last June.
    3. The bases' contribution to the economy in 1990 will amount to "only 1.9 percent" of the gross national product, the pamphlet says.
    4. Some inspectors are more pragmatic than others. Ask your tax office for the free pamphlet IR120; You and the Inland Revenue. No legal responsibility can be accepted by the Financial Times for the answers given in these columns.
    5. 'The cost of 30 or 40 copies of a slim pamphlet might be Pounds 6 or Pounds 7; the unit cost therefore about 3s 6d or 4s: and one copy could sell for Pounds 100 (about Pounds 1,500 today).
    6. Consider a pamphlet called "What's the Big Deal?" distributed widely by an anti-free-trade group.
    7. 'B is for Beer' the fuel on which rugby runs. Nowhere does the pamphlet mention the stuff.
    8. A pamphlet aimed at brewery workers says the PAC will fight increased excise taxes on beer, which it says "could mean fewer jobs."
    9. Top 40 it isn't, but state officials are hoping their six-hour cassette tape of the 143-page November ballot pamphlet becomes a sleeper hit.
    10. If this is so and you wish to make a rebasing election (if the time limit has not yet expired), ask your tax office for the free pamphlet CGT14. Only share accounts are within the scope of CGT (as they have been since CGT was introduced, on April 7 1965).
    11. Ask your tax office for the free pamphlet IR 45 (What happens when someone dies). No legal responsibility can be accepted by the Financial Times for the answers given in these columns.
    12. The pamphlet, "Understanding AIDS," is being mailed to 110 million homes by the federal government and should appear in mailboxes beginning May 26, Surgeon General C. Everett Koop announced Wednesday.
    13. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop is mailing every American household a historic pamphlet with explicit advice on how to avoid the deadly AIDS virus, including the use of condoms.
    14. In addition, the Postal Service received $10 million in unplanned revenues for nationwide delivery of an AIDS pamphlet from the U.S. Surgeon General.
    15. One AGE pamphlet went so far as to suggest the nation was "raising a generation of young Americans who will live in financial slavery."
    16. The school gave the rabbi a pamphlet entitled "Guidelines for Civic Occasions," published by the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and requested carefully non-sectarian prayers.
    17. The creation of a fairer society need not be at the expense of improved economic efficiency, Mr Gordon Brown, the shadow chancellor, will argue in a Fabian Society pamphlet next month.
    18. They are saying now it could be as high as 30 percent to 50 percent in homosexual activity." The commission, which recently had a turnover in administration, also decided to drop a pamphlet that favors abolition of capital punishment.
    19. It says the settlers in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip should respond to stoning attacks on their cars with gunfire and should try to "hit and cause much damage." The pamphlet also urges retribution against Palestinians.
    20. At the same time, you might like to ask for a copy of the free pamphlet IR120 (You and the Inland Revenue). Incidentally, you are not strictly correct in talking about 'tax deducted from dividends.'
    21. Lean Democracy, a pamphlet published by Demos in the summer, discusses participatory models of wired decision-making.
    22. Paine was tried and convicted, in absentia, for his seditious frankness; possession of his influential pamphlet was made a crime.
    23. The agency released a report on its surveys of indoor air in 1983 through 1987 in 10 buildings around the country, together with a pamphlet of advice for homeowners on indoor air quality problems.
    24. The pamphlet waxes loquacious on waste-stream composition and sagely debates the merits of biodegradability.
    25. The pamphlet is available at post offices.
    26. Most students had memorized them, but some read from a pamphlet.
    27. Conner made permanent an earlier injunction that barred any further publication of the pamphlet, titled "Your Tax Dollars Helped Pay for These Works of Arts." The judge also awarded $1 in damages to Wojnarowicz, who had sought up to $1 million.
    28. The latest evidence comes in a Fabian pamphlet, Southern Discomfort, by Giles Radice.
    29. Yates, 80, complained that the 31-year-old Eisendrath had unfairly maligned him with a campaign pamphlet comparing Yates to an antique typewriter and an obsolete television set.
    30. A spokesman for the Coalition Against Free Trade, an Ontario group that helped sponsor the pamphlet, denies it is antiAmerican.
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