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 pamper ['pæmpә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 放纵, 使吃饱, 使过量


    Pamper \Pam"per\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pampered}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Pampering}.] [Cf. LG. pampen, slampampen, to live
    luxuriously, pampe thick pap, and E. pap.]
    1. To feed to the full; to feed luxuriously; to glut; as, to
    pamper the body or the appetite. ``A body . . . pampered
    for corruption.'' --Dr. T. Dwight.

    2. To gratify inordinately; to indulge to excess; as, to
    pamper pride; to pamper the imagination. --South.

    1. Do you pamper your skin with "tissue matrix fluid"?
    2. They dance, hang above the stage on ropes like seductive spiders, then pamper Macbeth as in a brothel.
    3. Why pamper a clump of sequoias?
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