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 pampered 添加此单词到默认生词本
饮食过量的, 饮食奢侈的

    Pampered \Pam"pered\, a.
    Fed luxuriously; indulged to the full; hence, luxuriant; as,
    pampered children. ``Pampered boughs.'' --Milton. ``Pampered
    insolence.'' --Pope. -- {Pam"pered*ness}, n. --Bp. Hall.

    Pamper \Pam"per\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pampered}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Pampering}.] [Cf. LG. pampen, slampampen, to live
    luxuriously, pampe thick pap, and E. pap.]
    1. To feed to the full; to feed luxuriously; to glut; as, to
    pamper the body or the appetite. ``A body . . . pampered
    for corruption.'' --Dr. T. Dwight.

    2. To gratify inordinately; to indulge to excess; as, to
    pamper pride; to pamper the imagination. --South.

    1. For the first encore, the orchestra teased and pampered the final ballet of Schubert's music for Rosamunde as if it were their favourite child.
    2. THE DOWNTURN in the Japanese economy has claimed another victim, the pampered university student.
    3. MORE MOMS get pampered as service gifts for Mother's Day increase.
    4. The bank is running an "At-Your-Service" sweepstakes and giving away prizes designed to make the winners feel pampered.
    5. Bresse farmers say this is just a protectionist excuse, as this disease is unknown among their pampered charges.
    6. But these institutions insist they are willing to pay more to be pampered.
    7. US workers who commute by bicycle are becoming pampered employees at many companies.
    8. Does the thirty-something generation insist, in this case, on being pampered even if it means some ground raising?
    9. By the age of seven he'd become a relic, kept alive, pampered and miserable in his luxurious prison, barely aware of the political turmoil outside.
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