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 liard [li'ɑ:d添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 利亚德(法国自15世纪至1793年发行的银币)

  1. The long-haired man must be Brujon, and the bearded one Demi-Liard, alias Deux-Milliards.
  2. The language from Wal-Mart and the Department of Defence on the requirement for RFID was "originally very aggressive", says Michael Liard of ABI Research, a consultancy.
  3. And despite its early heavy-handedness, Wal-Mart is now getting more involved with the RFID implementations of its partners to ensure they have an incentive to adopt the technology, says Mr Liard.

Liard \Li"ard\ (l[imac]"[~e]rd), a. [OF. liart, LL. liardus
gray, dapple.]
Gray. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

Note: Used by Chaucer as an epithet of a gray or dapple gray
horse. Also used as a name for such a horse.

Liard \Liard\ (ly[aum]r), n. [F.]
A French copper coin of one fourth the value of a sou.

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