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 Libby ['libi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 利比(Elizabeth的昵称)(f.)

    [ noun ]
    United States chemist who developed a method of radiocarbon dating (1908-1980)

    1. Jerry Kathman, partner at Libby Perszyx Kathman, a Cincinnati package-design firm, says that in these shops-within-a-store he has seen cases "time and time again" when a tiny, anonymous label outproduced traditional packaging.
    2. John Libby Sr. of Olympia, an adherent of the political extremist Lyndon LaRouche, trailed with 5 percent, or 2,697 votes.
    3. Libby Schnipper of Hot Springs had her employment questions rebuffed by a secretary, who insisted everything was on the application form.
    4. Burke plays 18-year-old Corky, the middle child of Drew and Libby Thatcher, played by Bill Smitrovich and Patti LuPone.
    5. David Libby, chief operating officer, was named to the additional position of president.
    6. Libby worked in Bogota and has been in Colombia for 20 years. Grover has lived in the country for 10 years, most recently in Medellin, the second-largest city in Colombia.
    7. Tony, Libby, Cissy and Christina belonged to Rebecca Knight, who died May 12 at the age of 82.
    8. The only other woman to win the grueling race, Libby Riddles of Nome, watched the finish on sunny streets in minus 10-degree temperatures.
    9. "It's gone beyond that now," he said. "It would be inappropriate for me to be there." Roger Libby, a former UMass sex education professor who tours campuses lecturing on safe sex, said he would replace Maia as emcee.
    10. Libby Corp. won a $19.1 million Air Force contract for aircraft support system warranties and technical data.
    11. Elizabeth "Libby" Duncan Koontz, head of the women's bureau under President Nixon, died Friday of a heart attack at her home.
    12. The leaders were followed by about a dozen other mushers, including Iditarod winners Rick Mackey of Trapper Creek, Susan Butcher of Manley and Libby Riddles of Nome.
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