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 liberalism ['libərəlizm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 自由主义

  1. This policy is liberalism writ large.
  2. An organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in1920 in opposition to Liberalism and secularism.

[ noun ]
  1. a political orientation that favors social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution

  2. <noun.cognition>
  3. an economic theory advocating free competition and a self-regulating market

  4. <noun.cognition>

Liberalism \Lib"er*al*ism\ (-[i^]z'm), n. [Cf. F.
Liberal principles; the principles and methods of the
liberals in politics or religion; specifically, the
principles of the Liberal party.

  1. Through their vagueness, he contended, the Democrats are "trying to wrap their liberalism in more-conservative clothing."
  2. In both the Suez and Hungarian crises, the United States accompanied its actions, and inaction, with an outpouring of rhetoric drawn from the inexhaustible ideological warehouse of liberalism.
  3. The bill is liberalism reduced to mindless legalism: In the name of a high-sounding ideal, unleash lawyers and bureaucrats to inspect the most routine decisions of private society.
  4. He has put economic development before political liberalism and promoted economic reform. Mr John Reed, chairman of Citicorp, the biggest US bank, was the most recent financier to visit Kazakhstan last week.
  5. Electioneering having ascended over intellectualizing, it now seems natural that in setting out his own vision of post-Reagan liberalism, Mr. McElvaine should interview and rely heavily upon 30 of the Democratic Party's leading politicians.
  6. Nine percent said liberalism made them more likely to support Dukakis.
  7. Traditional liberalism's constituency remains wide enough to ensure congressional incumbency but too weak to win the presidency.
  8. Now, this endlessly rationalized liberalism has been transformed into a purely racial politics that attempts to legitimize fraudulent political arguments and analogies, clearly evident in the anti-Korean boycott.
  9. Here is the paragraph that follows, from which Mr. Roberts quotes only the words here emphasized: "There is however, a sense in which Keynesian economics is a natural ally of liberalism.
  10. If there is a system of generalized distrust toward power, that is liberalism.
  11. "The cancer of liberalism is spreading in the Church" since the Second Vatican Council, Lefebvre said in his homily Wednesday.
  12. He told voters to reject "far-out liberalism" when they cast their ballots for president and Congress.
  13. But the crushing of the movement created a political backlash in which conservatives gained the upper hand and have tried to rein in liberalism, especially in the arts.
  14. The problem is that some distinctly nonliberal moves have been made in this affair in the name of classic liberalism.
  15. Gov. Michael Dukakis is trying to hide his soft-on-crime, weak-on-defense, McGovern-style liberalism by selecting Sen. Lloyd Bentsen as his running mate.
  16. But she said politicians shouldn't dismiss the vote as a symbol of frustrated liberalism in a university town.
  17. But the internal dissent has continued largely because the FDP is losing a sense of what role 'liberalism' plays in a party which has shared power for nearly 25 years.
  18. "Most of us have gotten over the idea that change comes overnight." Even before troubles beset Riverside, its pastor's role as the national spokesman for religious liberalism was called "the toughest job in Protestantism."
  19. The liberal (left of centre) groups remain knocked off balance by this resurgence of authentic liberalism. At last, however, I can report a faint whiff of something new, or at least something a little less hackneyed.
  20. Bush has said he hopes to have a new justice seated by October. Brennan, who was a leading voice of liberalism on the Supreme Court, resigned Friday.
  21. Watch Michael Dukakis here, carefully positioning himself for Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary, and you can see Democratic liberalism repackaging itself for an opportunity and a challenge: the post-Reagan, post-industrial era.
  22. Robert Shrum, who wrote Sen. Ted Kennedy's rousing speech at the 1980 Democratic convention, evokes the newer liberalism of special-interest entitlement and class envy.
  23. "Homelessness demonstrates the failure of liberalism," the platform says.
  24. In recent days, Solidarity economists have produced assorted economic plans, ranging from Thatcherist liberalism to Mitterrandian social democracy.
  25. From the right, Mr George Will gleefully proclaimed: 'Massachusetts may be the Jurassic Park of American politics where the dinosaur of liberalism lumbers on oblivious to the fact that its era has long since past.
  26. Bush also said Dukakis is trying to hide his liberalism.
  27. "On the surface the crash can't be good for liberalism anywhere," says Michel Jobert, a former French foreign minister.
  28. Just when American liberalism had pulled the arms plug on the Contras and their friend Ronald Reagan, along comes Mr. Ortega in Costa Rica this weekend to "blunder" into the hands of what are often called conservatives.
  29. However, business with Russian customers also figures as a high priority. Although Russia is not the only country to impose such restrictions, they mark a rethink of the government's earlier unbridled liberalism.
  30. As with the remainder of the nation, affluence brings susceptibility to post-industrial liberalism: Some of Paul Simon's strongest supporters can be found in the wealthy, upscale precincts of Winnetka and Wilmette.
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