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 liberate ['libәreit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 解放, 释放, 使自由

[机] 释出, 放出


    Liberate \Lib"er*ate\ (-[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Liberated}
    (-[=a]`t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Liberating}
    (-[=a]`t[i^]ng).] [L. liberatus, p. p. of liberare to free,
    fr. liber free. See {Liberal}, a., and cf. {Deliver}.]
    To release from restraint or bondage; to set at liberty; to
    free; to manumit; to disengage; as, to liberate a slave or
    prisoner; to liberate the mind from prejudice; to liberate

    Syn: To deliver; free; release. See {Deliver}.

    1. Saudi Arabia's foreign minister pointedly reminded Iraq today that the United Nations has not ruled out the use of military force to liberate Kuwait.
    2. Returning to Burma, Ne Win and his comrades fought first alongside the Japanese against the British, but then turned against their teachers after realizing that Japan would also colonize rather than liberate the Burmese.
    3. 'We think we must liberate all the territory of Abkhazia from the invaders.
    4. Cuba on Wednesday rejected a U.S. appeal that it support a resolution in the United Nations authorizing the use of force to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi invaders.
    5. Kuwaiti Oil Minister Rashid al-Ameeri Monday discounted speculation that oil prices would reach $100 a barrel in the event of a military strike to liberate Kuwait.
    6. Oil futures prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell after Democratic lawmakers remained adamant that President Bush must get the support of Congress before attacking Iraq or seeking to liberate Kuwait.
    7. After Jan. 15, the Security Council said, the allies of Kuwait's government-in-exile may use any means necessary, including military force, to liberate the emirate.
    8. Many mourners carried placards proclaiming the Palestinians' determination to continue the fight to liberate Palestine.
    9. Glenda Jackson and Ben Kingsley are swell as the eccentric author and the bookstore owner who take it upon themselves to liberate the turtles trapped at the local zoo.
    10. Since the Israeli aggression of June 1967, it has been our belief that our first priority should be to liberate the land and holy places from Israeli occupation.
    11. It was a prelude to Thursday's meeting, when the council is expected to authorize the use of military force to liberate Kuwait if Iraq does not withdraw by Jan. 15.
    12. In an interview today with "CBS This Morning," Powell said the announced Iraq reinforcement plan didn't trouble U.S. military planners, who are preparing for a possible order from Bush to launch an offensive to liberate Kuwait.
    13. (It is the view of the PLO and Arab leaders that the struggle) to liberate the occupied Palestinian land could be enhanced by dismantling the (Jordan's) legal and administrative links.
    14. Allied pilots flew about 100,000 air sorties in the war to liberate Kuwait from Iraq's invasion.
    15. The youth of Japan went to war thinking they were going to liberate Asia from all that." The Vision Interfaith Satellite Network, VISN, said it has expanded its telecasts to 24 hours a day because of widespread requests for round-the-clock programming.
    16. June 26 _ Iraqis liberate Majnoon islands.
    17. A U.N. resolution has authorized the use of force to liberate Kuwait unless Iraq withdraws its troops by Jan. 15.
    18. Kuwait's money supply also is swinging about as citizens liberate hidden piggy banks.
    19. Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, however, reminded Iraq on Tuesday that the United Nations has not restricted the use of military force to liberate Kuwait.
    20. In some ways, it could be said we did liberate Asia - look what happened to India and Burma after the war,' he says. He is on far less controversial ground when he explains the problem for Japan in dealing with its past.
    21. The United Nations has authorized the use of force to liberate Kuwait unless Iraq withdraws by Jan. 15.
    22. Colin Powell and his aides were already planning to liberate Kuwait with massive forces encircling Iraqi troops.
    23. He said war plans always have assumed that ground forces will have to be sent to "liberate Kuwait" at some point; that was the only "safe assumption" to make for planning purposes, he argued.
    24. As for Reagan, despite his muscular campaign rhetoric, only a surreptitious transfer of U.S. weapons to Iran _ which caused an uproar when it became public _ seemed to liberate three Americans. And others were seized subsequently.
    25. Bush drew his "line in the sand" to protect the kingdom and the American interest in stable oil supplies, to liberate Kuwait and restore its emir, check Saddam Hussein and free U.S. hostages held by Iraq.
    26. Syria and Iran remain on the State Department's list of supporters of terrorism, though Syria's willingness to help liberate Western hostages and a pledge by President Hafez Assad to punish perpetrators were noted.
    27. The president's aim is to liberate Kuwait, but it is not inconceivable that the U.S. would expand its aims and drive upon Baghdad.
    28. It bitterly hurts me to see that there are people whose assertions lead one to believe that the Soviet Army didn't liberate some Eastern European countries but all but captured them as war trophies.
    29. Secretary of State James A. Baker III said Thursday night the U.N. resolution approving force to liberate Kuwait could be implemented without further action by the Security Council.
    30. "The national reconciliation charter is a peace offensive to liberate Lebanon without bloodshed," he said in an interview, referring to a plan devised by legislators at a three-week meeting in Taif, Saudi Arabia.
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