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 libel ['laibәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 以文字损害名誉, 诽谤罪, 侮辱

vt. 诽谤, 中伤, 损害名誉

vi. 诽谤, 中伤, 损害名誉

[法] 诽谤, 诽谤罪, 文字诽谤

    libelled, libelling
    [ noun ]
    1. a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. the written statement of a plaintiff explaining the cause of action (the defamation) and any relief he seeks

    4. <noun.communication>
    [ verb ]
    1. print slanderous statements against

    2. <verb.communication>
      The newspaper was accused of libeling him

    Libel \Li"bel\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Libeled} (-b[e^]ld) or
    {Libelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Libeling} or {Libelling}.]
    1. To defame, or expose to public hatred, contempt, or
    ridicule, by a writing, picture, sign, etc.; to lampoon.

    Some wicked wits have libeled all the fair. --Pope.

    2. (Law) To proceed against by filing a libel, particularly
    against a ship or goods.

    Libel \Li"bel\ (l[imac]"b[e^]l), v. i.
    To spread defamation, written or printed; -- with against.

    What's this but libeling against the senate? --Shak.

    [He] libels now 'gainst each great man. --Donne.

    Libel \Li"bel\ (l[imac]"b[e^]l), n. [L. libellus a little book,
    pamphlet, libel, lampoon, dim. of liber the liber or inner
    bark of a tree; also (because the ancients wrote on this
    bark), paper, parchment, or a roll of any material used to
    write upon, and hence, a book or treatise: cf. F. libelle.]
    1. A brief writing of any kind, esp. a declaration, bill,
    certificate, request, supplication, etc. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    A libel of forsaking [divorcement]. --Wyclif
    (Matt. v. 31).

    2. Any defamatory writing; a lampoon; a satire.

    3. (Law) A malicious publication expressed either in print or
    in writing, or by pictures, effigies, or other signs,
    tending to expose another to public hatred, contempt, or
    ridicule. Such publication is indictable at common law.

    Note: The term, in a more extended sense, includes the
    publication of such writings, pictures, and the like,
    as are of a blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or
    obscene character. These also are indictable at common

    4. (Law) The crime of issuing a malicious defamatory

    5. (Civil Law & Courts of Admiralty) A written declaration or
    statement by the plaintiff of his cause of action, and of
    the relief he seeks.

    1. They were printed while Mrs. Sutcliffe was pursuing a libel case against the magazine for alleging she tried to cash in on her husband's notoriety by agreeing to sell her story to a newspaper.
    2. In it's editorial, the Daily Mirror said: "The Yorkshire Ripper has claimed his 14th victim _ justice." The Daily Express said the award made "a mockery not only of the libel laws but of the system of justice itself." "Mrs.
    3. The breach-of-contract theory was being used by plaintiffs elsewhere to avoid the constitutional obstacles that stand in the way of winning privacy and libel suits, said Dick Winfield, an attorney for the AP.
    4. The Supreme Court today turned down the appeal of an Ohio biochemist who sued for libel after he was called a "quack" and an "outrageous hoke artist" for opposing fluoridation of San Antonio's water supply.
    5. Four police officers filed a libel suit April 24 against the owners of a weekly newspaper after failing in a legal bid to stop the paper from writing about them.
    6. The Supreme Court today refused to revive some allegations previously raised in former Massachusetts Gov. Edward J. King's $3.6 million libel lawsuit against the Boston Globe.
    7. "It is well known the country has shortages of many things. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of rhetoric, labels and sometimes libel," he said.
    8. The libel-proof doctrine that the appeals court rejected "was never a broadly applied doctrine," said Floyd Abrams, a New York attorney who specializes in libel law.
    9. Bruce Sanford, a Washington lawyer who represents news media clients, said the decision was important for what it didn't do. "The court didn't avail itself of an opportunity to make a sea-change in American libel law," he said.
    10. The Supreme Court, in a setback for Congress, let stand a federal appeals court's ruling that legislators may be sued for libel for statements made outside their legislative role.
    11. Turned away an effort by Tom Perdue, onetime top aide to Georgia Gov. Joe Frank Harris, to kill a libel lawsuit against him by state Public Service Commission member J. Mac Barber.
    12. A libel case stemming from a Pulitzer Prize-winning series on improprieties in college athletics was reinstated April 26 against the Lexington Herald-Leader by the Kentucky Supreme Court.
    13. They're likely to be protected from libel suits in their coverage of any and all of the allegations, under broad constitutional and common-law privileges for reporting accurately on public proceedings and matters of public debate.
    14. LIBEL SUIT The court today agreed to review a former high school wrestling coach's 15-year-old libel lawsuit against an Ohio newspaper, a case that reached the high court twice previously.
    15. The awards were minimal, compared with the six- and even seven-figure sums handed out to libel victims lately.
    16. Stock analysts are seldom sued for libel because they are generally exceedingly cautious about what they say in their reports, says David E. Robbins, a securities industry lawyer at the New York firm of Kaufmann Gilden & Carlin.
    17. Criminal libel charges against the editor of The Barnwell County Banner were dropped May 25.
    18. The former president of a local NAACP chapter filed a $10 million libel lawsuit against Arsenio Hall for the second time, accusing the talk show host of racist and obscene slurs.
    19. In the most recent case, the magazine Gay News and its editor were fined a total of $2,600 in 1977 for publishing a poem suggesting Jesus Christ was a homosexual. It was the first prosecution for blasphemous libel since 1922.
    20. Hiss sued Chambers for libel, but Chambers' production of the filmed State Department documents he said Hiss had given him in 1938 led to Hiss' conviction for perjury for denying to the committee that he had handed over the documents.
    21. DELTA AIR LINES is sued for libel by pilot fired after 1988 crash.
    22. The Illinois Supreme Court today threw out a $200,000 libel verdict stemming from a 1980 editorial in the Belleville (Ill.) News-Democrat that said a county board chairman lied about his stand on a tax increase.
    23. The Uniform Defamation Act is the first proposal for a nationwide standard in libel disputes.
    24. Since 1964, the Supreme Court has said that the First Amendment protects the news media in libel cases involving allegations by public figures of false statements of fact that damaged their reputations.
    25. Actress Elizabeth Taylor filed a $20 million libel suit Sept. 25 against the National Enquirer, over articles in the tabloid that labeled her as a heavy drinker with a disfiguring disease.
    26. But the federal law also states that cable operators cannot be held accountable for any libel, obscenity or false advertising carried on a channel it surrendered under the mandatory access provisions.
    27. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Supreme Court established federal rules limiting state libel suits against the press and rewrote state procedure for such things as police searches and interrogations.
    28. When it comes to purported statements of fact, truth is an absolute defense in defamation actions, libel lawyers said.
    29. In other action, the Supreme Court: _Agreed in a potentially important libel case to review a $200,000 award won against an Ohio newspaper.
    30. Ms. Luisi, a 25-year Thompson veteran who was a senior vice president in charge of the syndication unit, sued for libel, demanding $50 million in damages.
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