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 Liat 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Liat)人名;(东南亚国家华语)烈

  1. "The outlook is still pretty uncertain, so buyers are staying on the sidelines, " said Wee Liat Lee, property analyst at Samsung Securities.
    三星证券公司房产分析员Wee Liat Lee说,“由于未来形势不明朗,买房者还是处于观望状态。”
  2. For Liat Shaham of Invest in Israel, an Israeli government agency, it means creating business ties in countries where diplomatic relations are rocky.
  3. And Liat Tikotzky and Avi Sadeh say: "It is important to emphasise that night wakings are a natural phenomenon, characteristic for most infants and children."
    Liat Tikotzky和Avi Sadeh 表示:“重点需要强调的是,夜间醒来是一个自然的现象,是多数婴儿和儿童具有的特征。”

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