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 incurable [in'kjurәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不能医治的, 不能矫正的, 无救的

n. 不治的病人, 无救的人

[医] 不能治愈的

    [ noun ]
    1. a person whose disease is incurable

    2. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. incapable of being cured

    2. <adj.all>
      an incurable disease
      an incurable addiction to smoking
    3. unalterable in disposition or habits

    4. <adj.all>
      an incurable optimist

    Incurable \In*cur"a*ble\, a. [F. incurable, L. incurabilis. See
    {In-} not, and {Curable}.]
    1. Not capable of being cured; beyond the power of skill or
    medicine to remedy; as, an incurable disease.

    A scirrhus is not absolutely incurable. --Arbuthnot.

    2. Not admitting or capable of remedy or correction;
    irremediable; remediless; as, incurable evils.

    Rancorous and incurable hostility. --Burke.

    They were laboring under a profound, and, as it
    might have seemed, an almost incurable ignorance.
    --Sir J.

    Syn: Irremediable; remediless; irrecoverable; irretrievable;
    irreparable; hopeless.

    Incurable \In*cur"a*ble\, n.
    A person diseased beyond cure.

    1. The lawsuit filed in Superior Court says the entertainer doesn't have acquired immune deficiency syndrome and has never tested positive for the virus that causes the incurable disease.
    2. Using SPECT, he and his co-workers accurately have identified about 150 of 170 dementia patients as victims of Alzheimer's, an incurable disease of aging that afflicts up to four million Americans.
    3. Huntington's disease is an incurable, inherited nervous system disorder that causes dementia and early death.
    4. When a reporter reminded him of being "The Greatest," Ali responded: "Used to be." Parkinson's syndrome is a treatable form of the incurable, debilitating Parkinson's disease.
    5. The other, Morris' onetime fiancee, Specialist Patricia C. Pruitt, testified that Morris told her in 1986 he had "an incurable blood disease" but didn't say it was AIDS until January 1987.
    6. Ms. Stussy suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS, a fatal, incurable nerve degeneration also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
    7. Environmental pollution is an incurable disease; it can only be prevented.
    8. Leftist guerrillas said in a broadcast by their clantestine radio station: "Duarte leaves the country with an incurable political disease because of the failure of the counterinsurgency plan.
    9. The fatal, incurable disease is caused by a virus that is spread mainly through sexual intercourse, sharing of contaminated hypodermic needles and from infected mothers to their infants before or during birth.
    10. Most sex offenders are incurable, Mowre told the state Senate Law and Justice Committee. "There's only one that I know that was cured, and that's the (rapist) I shot and killed in the line of duty," Mowre said.
    11. AIDS, both incurable and fatal, cripples the body's defenses against disease, leaving the victims prey to infections and cancer.
    12. Statewide, more than 20 million nursery-stock or newly planted trees were burned after inspectors discovered what they thought was a virulent strain of incurable citrus canker in August 1984.
    13. Richard S. Caliguiri, credited with helping revive Pittsburgh from a wilting steel giant during 11 years as mayor, died Friday, the day he was to have met with doctors to discuss a heart transplant to combat a rare, incurable disease.
    14. He made the last two years of Kay's life the best years." Years later, Harrison starred in Rattigan's "In Praise of Love," the story of a man whose wife is dying of an incurable disease and is forbidden by doctors from telling her.
    15. It said 20 men, 40 of their female partners and one unborn baby would be infected with the incurable disease.
    16. The FDA had been repeatedly criticized by advocates of AIDS patients who say the government is not moving quickly enough to develop and test new drugs to treat the fatal, incurable disease.
    17. Also available are archival storage and display systems for incurable collectors of photos and oddments, including glass-covered cases and museum-style tables in which to display favorite baubles.
    18. From the point of view of the enthusiast, virtually all anthologies suffer from the same incurable defect. It lies in the combination of diversity and insubstantiality.
    19. A 2-year-old girl lies in a hospital room suffering from a rare, incurable blood disorder that involves painful treatment.
    20. And when you have been stung for the price of a cuppa in Elizabethan surroundings, you can move happily off to be stung by the antique shops all around. I am a Rye addict and probably incurable; a regular visitor ever since studying HJ at university.
    21. No deaths have been reported, but the incurable disease usually proves fatal to 30 percent of those who contract it, doctors said.
    22. AIDS, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is a contagious disease that destroys the body's immune system. It is incurable and usually fatal.
    23. The incurable condition is believed to be caused by an unusual virus, now called human immunodeficiency virus or HIV, which is spread through contact with blood or semen from infected people.
    24. The drug therapy gives doctors an important new weapon in the fight against AIDS, a fatal, incurable immune disorder, one of the study's authors said Thursday.
    25. They testified that Morris had told them he had a rare or incurable blood disease but did not mention acquired immune deficiency syndrome before having sex with them.
    26. The U.S. National Science Foundation said the vessel carried 250,000 gallons of diesel fuel and that an "incurable disaster" would result if all the fuel leaked into the unspoiled waters in the region.
    27. Another potential vaccine for the incurable disease is being tested at the National Cancer Institute in Washington, D.C., Kahn said.
    28. The disease is incurable but can be controlled.
    29. Scientists believe that research using tissue from aborted fetuses could help treat Parkinson's disease and other incurable conditions.
    30. AIDS is incurable and fatal.
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