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 incurring 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 招致(遭受)

  1. A fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy.
  2. The market value of securities less any debt incurred.

[ noun ]
acquiring or coming into something (usually undesirable)
incurring debts is easier than paying them

Incur \In*cur"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Incurred}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Incurring}.] [L. incurrere to run into or toward; pref. in-
in + currere to run. See {Current}.]
1. To meet or fall in with, as something inconvenient,
harmful, or onerous; to put one's self in the way of; to
expose one's self to; to become liable or subject to; to
bring down upon one's self; to encounter; to contract; as,
to incur debt, danger, displeasure, penalty,
responsibility, etc.

I know not what I shall incur to pass it,
Having no warrant. --Shak.

2. To render liable or subject to; to occasion. [Obs.]

Lest you incur me much more damage in my fame than
you have done me pleasure in preserving my life.

  1. That's a heavy price to pay, some analysts said, but raising money was bound to be expensive for a company that's incurring huge operating losses.
  2. He says companies are incurring steadily higher costs, especially labor costs, that they're unable to pass along in sharply higher price increases.
  3. Ms. Young said there also is increasing concern about the expenses many firms are incurring to expand overseas.
  4. The company bought several smaller convenience-store chains between 1983 and 1986, then last year acquired 473 7-Eleven stores from Dallas-based Southland Corp., incurring a $170 million debt.
  5. He added that depositors at American Savings aren't at risk of incurring losses.
  6. At the same time that it has been posting trade surpluses with the U.S., Korea has been incurring a trade deficit with Japan currently running at more than $5 billion annually.
  7. Such babies are at much higher risk of incurring serious health problems requiring extended hospitalization at birth; they have a higher chance for lifelong physical handicaps; and they have a higher death rate.
  8. In addition, the winning bidder will be required to fund the project, so incurring finance costs. The Czech Republic is only the second former eastern bloc country to plan a privately-financed toll road.
  9. More than 1m households settled gas or electricity bills one or more years ahead to avoid incurring value added tax on what they used.
  10. As a result of the settlement, the publishing company is incurring debt, said Barnes, who is editor and president of the Times.
  11. The Latvian Popular Front on Wednesday unveiled an independence plan that it hopes would bring the Baltic republic freedom within years without incurring Moscow's wrath.
  12. It remains to be seen who will break first: the mine owners, who are incurring a daily loss estimated at $15 million, or the union, which fears the damage that mass firings could do to its membership volume.
  13. Although Generale de Belgique is a profitable concern, many of its holdings are incurring losses or are underperforming and could benefit from "modernization and rationalization," says Mr. De Benedetti.
  14. But Sysco said the pre-tax figure was more than 10 per cent ahead even after incurring start-up costs on significant new business. In the latest quarter, sales increased by 10 per cent to Dollars 2.98bn.
  15. It will need to take a radically disrespectful view of the past if the institution is not to become a residual sink for the worst risks in the global insurance system, thereby incurring further irremediable damage to its competitive edge.
  16. Interest costs rose by nearly Pounds 2m to Pounds 5.68m. Blackwood, which was incurring losses before the takeover, was included for six months instead of about seven weeks.
  17. In addition to lawyers' fees, Texaco also is incurring fees for investment bankers who advise the two creditors committees and one equity holders committee in the bankruptcy-law case.
  18. Then society can make straightforward decisions about whether to preserve resources by incurring the costs directly, as the economist Mr. Baden happens to favor doing in the old-growth timber case.
  19. The charge largely relates to footwear business restructuring. Speciality retailing profits rose from Pounds 25.6m to Pounds 26.9m, with women's and children's wear strong but the Olympus sports chain incurring a loss.
  20. Aredor reported positive cash flow for the latest year, despite incurring an accounting loss of A$1.5 million.
  21. The company said it expanded too fast, incurring costs faster than it could build new sales.
  22. Hudson's Bay's retailing operations have turned around in the past year, after incurring heavy losses throughout most of the past decade.
  23. Previously I have obtained the relevant form through my bank, incurring charges.
  24. Alcoa said it has been incurring losses in mining and refining operations at Bauxite.
  25. Salomon's precious metals unit was formerly a division of Philipp Brothers, Salomon's commodities operation that was closed down last October after incurring losses of $174 million in the first nine months of 1990.
  26. In almost all such cases, paying this levy would be preferable to incurring the penalty for withdrawing too little.
  27. Both the excerpt and book describe that discussion, in which Mr. Milken screamed at Mr. Boesky about the losses he was incurring in the stock he secretly co-owned.
  28. VOLVO, the Swedish vehicle group, returned a profit (after financial items) of SKr1.5bn for 1991 after incurring a loss of SKr327m in 1990.
  29. Thus, they are considered payment for future services, incurring no tax liability.
  30. The lawsuit also seeks to force Exxon to pay any of the "substantial" expenses the state is incurring because of the spill, said John Hagerty, a spokesman for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
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