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 incurred 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 招致(遭受)

  1. He incurred much blame for his stubborn attitude.
  2. The hunter incurred great danger in killing the wolf.

Incur \In*cur"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Incurred}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Incurring}.] [L. incurrere to run into or toward; pref. in-
in + currere to run. See {Current}.]
1. To meet or fall in with, as something inconvenient,
harmful, or onerous; to put one's self in the way of; to
expose one's self to; to become liable or subject to; to
bring down upon one's self; to encounter; to contract; as,
to incur debt, danger, displeasure, penalty,
responsibility, etc.

I know not what I shall incur to pass it,
Having no warrant. --Shak.

2. To render liable or subject to; to occasion. [Obs.]

Lest you incur me much more damage in my fame than
you have done me pleasure in preserving my life.

  1. However, Mr. McNamee emphasizes that public investors shouldn't have to undo the debt Black Box incurred two years ago by "the unrealistic assumptions" of the LBO investors. "It's obvious the original LBO was structurally flawed," he says.
  2. Den Norske Creditbank, Norway's biggest bank, said it may have incurred a loss of more than 600 million Norwegian kroner ($94.2 million), enough to wipe out 1987 net income.
  3. The lion's share of this increase was incurred to finance transfers to east Germany.
  4. He established close ties with the leftist government of the late President Forbes Burnham and incurred the wrath of opposition parties, which accused the cult of breaking up strikes and political meetings.
  5. The auditor cited "uncertainties regarding the ultimate loss to be incurred in connection with the closing" of the Long Island plant.
  6. 'People were not taking out any insurance,' the company said. 'It was leaving us liable for the extra cost incurred.'
  7. But the big Italian merchant and processor said it still plans to sue the Board of Trade for damages for losses incurred as a result of the July 11 order.
  8. The set-up costs can be quite high, because of legal and professional fees incurred in selecting, acquiring and restructuring a suitable existing trust, as well as the actual cost of buying it.
  9. Directors also authorized sale of Moore McCormack Energy Inc., an oil and gas subsidiary, and plans to use the proceeds to repay any debt incurred under the Chemical Bank arrangement.
  10. The justices said they will decide whether people who intervene in civil rights cases _ and are not the principal defendants _ may be forced to reimburse the lawyer fees incurred by those who successfully sue.
  11. The IRS has postponed into 1991 the effect of proposed rules that businesses using accrual accounting don't like. Generally, these concerns deduct costs as incurred, not when paid.
  12. Gibbons said Northwest continues to make progress in reducing the $3.1 billion debt incurred in the buyout.
  13. Kroy President Howard Klemmer said the Scottsdale-based company ran into a cash-flow problem after it incurred a $60 million debt in a 1986 leveraged buyout by its management.
  14. Aca Joe incurred heavy losses from growing too fast on inadequate capital and encountering problems with suppliers.
  15. First Union will pay as much as 35% of the losses incurred on credit card and home equity loans over the five-year, cost-sharing agreement.
  16. The company had deducted all of the expenses in the two years they were incurred, arguing that they originated in the litigation arising from its business.
  17. Textron has been selling assets to raise cash to retire debt incurred to buy Ex-Cell-O Corp. last year, but Mr. Bernstein said the sale of the credit-card business isn't part of that plan.
  18. Also, the company "incurred significant costs" associated with introduction of its new TC2000 high performance computer, Bolt Beranek said.
  19. Mr David Wilmot, finance director, said the issue was now closed and no further costs would be incurred. Earnings per share were 6.9p (7.5p).
  20. Durenberger repaid the Senate $11,005 last January after the rules committee decided he was not entitled to expenses incurred when he stayed at the condominium during official congressional recesses.
  21. The bank said it was 'not entirely successful' in predicting domestic and international market trends and had incurred heavy bond trading losses.
  22. Even Daily Mail photographer Neville Marriner and I only incurred a total of five hours' more penalties in bringing home our Unipart-backed Lotus Cortina 36th. By 50th place, penalties were measured not in hours but in days.
  23. In addition, interest costs fell 39% because of reduction of debt incurred in a share buy-back program.
  24. Agreed to decide whether non-profit social clubs that are generally exempt from federal income taxes can use losses incurred from selling food and drink to non-members to offset investment profits.
  25. Mr. Lebow said the banks not only received the proceeds of the financing, but acted as Fairfax's financial advisers. "The banks are responsible for the losses that were incurred," Mr. Lebow said.
  26. I have incurred capital losses on share dealings.
  27. But blaming a Pounds 77.3m profits hit on these accounting changes is rich when most of the charges would have been incurred anyway.
  28. Among other things, the suit charges that the investors incurred heavy losses in a trading program that invested in options based on the Standard & Poor's 100 index.
  29. Pretax writeoffs and reserves of $50 million to $75 million also will be incurred in the sale of the restaurant operations, the company said.
  30. REGALIAN Properties incurred a pre-tax loss of Pounds 83.5m for the year ended March 31, after taking further provisions against the falling value of its property portfolio.
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