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 incurious [in'kjuәriәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无好奇心的, 不关心的, 平凡无趣的

    [ adj ]
    showing absence of intellectual inquisitiveness or natural curiosity
    strangely incurious about the cause of the political upheaval surrounding them

    Incurious \In*cu"ri*ous\, a. [L. incuriosus: cf. F. incurieux.
    See {In-} not, and {Curious}.]
    Not curious or inquisitive; without care for or interest in;
    inattentive; careless; negligent; heedless.

    Carelessnesses and incurious deportments toward their
    children. --Jer. Taylor.

    1. U.S. reporters have been singularly incurious about the genesis of the Afghan resistance.
    2. Regan's book also painted a picture of an incurious, passive chief executive manipulated by a strong-willed wife and media-conscious staff.
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