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 effete [e'fi:t]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 贫瘠的, 枯竭的, 衰微的

  1. During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete.
  2. Discoloration of the tongue, commonly white, is due to deposits of epithelial debris, effete( or worn-out) bacteria, and food.
  3. For many years architecture, however, lagged far behind scholarship. Buildings continued to be put up in an effete, decorative Gothic style.

[ adj ]
marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay
a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibilitya group of effete self-professed intellectuals

Effete \Ef*fete"\, a. [L. effetus that has brought forth,
exhausted; ex + fetus that has brought forth. See {Fetus}.]
No longer capable of producing young, as an animal, or fruit,
as the earth; hence, worn out with age; exhausted of energy;
incapable of efficient action; no longer productive; barren;

Effete results from virile efforts. --Mrs.

If they find the old governments effete, worn out, . .
. they may seek new ones. --Burke.

  1. In context of the events of the last nine months in the Middle East, it is all the easier to see Klinghoffer for what it is: hollow, pretentious, effete and phoney.
  2. If you think of Washington as an effete city where no work gets done but words get spoken, the terrain's unexpected roughness, in such proximity to the city, will surprise you.
  3. It certainly seems to show an effete - or is he merely bookish? - squire confronted by an angry gamekeeper who waves a turnip under his nose.
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