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 efficiency [i'fiʃәnsi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 效率, 效能, 功效

[医] 效率, 效力

[经] 效率, 效能

  1. We must improve our efficiency as soon as possible.
  2. Their labor efficiency is very high.
  3. His illness has impaired his efficiency.

[ noun ]
  1. the ratio of the output to the input of any system

  2. <noun.linkdef>
  3. skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort

  4. <noun.cognition>
    she did the work with great efficiency

Apartment \A*part"ment\, n. [F. appartement; cf. It.
appartamento, fr. appartare to separate, set apart; all fr.
L. ad + pars, partis, part. See {Apart}.]
1. A room in a building; a division in a house, separated
from others by partitions. --Fielding.

2. A set or suite of rooms. --De Quincey.

3. A compartment. [Obs.] --Pope.

4. A room or suite of rooms in a building comprising a
dwelling unit separate from others in the building, and
typically having its own separate bath, sanitary, and
kitchen facilities. Such apartments are in most cases
rented from the owner by those dwelling in them.

{efficiency apartment}, a small apartment[4], sometimes
furnished, with minimal kitchen and bath facilities. The
unit may comprise a single room plus a bathroom, and the
kitchen facilities are often open to the main room, or may
form a small niche in a corner. There are many variations
of efficiency apartment, including some in which
furnishings such as a bed may be pull out from a wall
recess and stored there again when not in use. Also called
an {efficiency}.

efficience \ef*fi"cience\ ([e^]f*f[i^]sh"ens), efficiency
\ef*fi"cien*cy\ ([e^]f*f[i^]sh"en*s[y^]), n. [L. efficientia.]
1. The quality of being efficient or producing an effect or
effects; efficient power; effectual agency.

The manner of this divine efficiency being far above
us. --Hooker.

2. (Mech.) The ratio of useful work to energy expended.

{efficiency of a heat engine}, the ratio of the work done by
an engine, to the work due to the heat supplied to it.

efficiency apartment \efficiency apartment\ n.,
a small apartment[4], sometimes furnished, with minimal
kitchen and bath facilities. The unit may comprise a single
room plus a bathroom, and the kitchen facilities are often
open to the main room, or may form a small niche in a corner.
There are many variations of efficiency apartment, including
some in which furnishings such as a bed may be pulled out
from a wall recess and stored there again when not in use.
Also called an {efficiency}.

  1. "The item veto is not a simple, politically neutral device for bringing about economy and efficiency in government.
  2. Those disruptions, in turn, could affect the efficiency of the military operations in Saudi Arabia, where most of the Allied forces are based.
  3. It "is having a negative impact on the efficiency and morale of remaining employees who must take on extra work when positions become vacant." Rep. Neal Smith, D-Iowa, the subcommittee chairman, said, "You shouldn't have to put up with it.
  4. When the narrow-bodied 168-passenger Airbus A320 went into service last month, it was touted for its computerized flight-control system and fuel efficiency.
  5. Fifteen years after the first oil embargo, the U.S. economy has stopped making gains in energy efficiency, according to experts, who add that the country may be losing ground instead.
  6. Growth has been sustained by focusing policies on improving the efficiency and flexibility of our economies and by strengthening our cooperative efforts and the coordination process.
  7. Bush's top economic adviser, Michael Boskin, trounced proposals that would have required automakers to increase the fuel efficiency of their cars and ordered greater use of nongasoline fuels, said some officials who were present.
  8. "This change is designed to improve the efficiency of conducting our business in today's highly competitive business environment," said S.M. Cassiani, vice president of exploration for Exxon USA, the domestic subsidiary of Exxon Corp.
  9. Those who say Congress used to run with alacrity and efficiency are revisionists; the Founding Fathers didn't intend it that way, and they rarely would have been surprised.
  10. "It addresses key areas of importance to both of us," he said, citing operational efficiency, training, job security and compensation.
  11. "Economic planners always make choices between efficiency and equity, and in the past whenever there were conflicts they maximized efficiency at the cost of equity," Mr. Koo says.
  12. "Economic planners always make choices between efficiency and equity, and in the past whenever there were conflicts they maximized efficiency at the cost of equity," Mr. Koo says.
  13. According to Worldwatch Institute, if Congress or the administration were to mandate just a 2 1/2-mile-per-gallon improvement in fuel efficiency for automobiles, we could save about 320 million barrels of oil per year.
  14. The gain reflected efficiency improvements and cost cuts.
  15. Tennessee Bankruptcy Judge George C. Paine II, who joined the bench in 1981 when he was 35 years old, is equally candid: "I didn't reach my maximum efficiency for three or four years," he says.
  16. Butcher, whose privately-held firm has roots dating to the American Revolution, said the merger will help cut costs and raise efficiency at Butcher & Singer.
  17. Sanguinetti also said that as the number of operational nuclear plants increases, along with their efficiency, demand for uranium will increase.
  18. A companion proposal would lift the ceiling on credits that auto makers can earn if they build alternative-fueled cars; the credit can be applied to meeting federal fuel efficiency requirements.
  19. Somehow, they must retain that advantage, while increasing efficiency.
  20. The thrust of our advice has been to set in place incentives (e.g., prices) that induce greater efficiency in the use of scarce resources, encourage more and higher quality investment, increase production and savings, and promote private initiative.
  21. In the computer industry, for example, Fujitsu intends to double procurement of foreign parts by 1995. Car companies are also trying to raise their global manufacturing efficiency.
  22. Wall Street sources said American Express and Primerica Corp., parent of Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co., held talks about merging some areas to improve operating efficiency but they ended without a deal this week.
  23. JAPAN'S efficiency in manufacturing, according to the international management consultants McKinsey, is not all that it is cracked up to be.
  24. The work usually involves large numbers of small transactions. BAe said investigations on outsourcing had been under way for several months as a part of a general review of efficiency and cost reductions, but no decision had been made.
  25. Farm incomes depend on a number of factors such as the level of debt, the kind of farming involved, the efficiency with which the farm is run.
  26. Moreover, 16 million people are expected to be laid off by the year 2000 because of rising labor efficiency and cuts made in the government bureaucracy.
  27. The change would escalate the recent consolidation of the system, a trend favored by many critics of the system who see an increase in efficiency, but opposed by many farmer-borrowers as representing a loss of local control.
  28. He sees this efficiency as resulting primarily from the opportunity such government control provides to ration medical care, denying it in particular to the critically ill elderly who he sees as having the least to gain from such treatment.
  29. The finance ministry said the changes would enhance foreign banks' efficiency and service in Taiwan, as well as further the government's oft-stated goal of developing Taipei into a regional financial centre.
  30. 'We are telling the bank that Germany's future support will depend on better lending policies and increased efficiency.' Africa's growing impoverishment is placing greater demands on the African Development Fund.
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