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 efficiency apartment 添加此单词到默认生词本

    efficiency apartment
    [ noun ]
    a furnished apartment with a kitchenette and bathroom

    Apartment \A*part"ment\, n. [F. appartement; cf. It.
    appartamento, fr. appartare to separate, set apart; all fr.
    L. ad + pars, partis, part. See {Apart}.]
    1. A room in a building; a division in a house, separated
    from others by partitions. --Fielding.

    2. A set or suite of rooms. --De Quincey.

    3. A compartment. [Obs.] --Pope.

    4. A room or suite of rooms in a building comprising a
    dwelling unit separate from others in the building, and
    typically having its own separate bath, sanitary, and
    kitchen facilities. Such apartments are in most cases
    rented from the owner by those dwelling in them.

    {efficiency apartment}, a small apartment[4], sometimes
    furnished, with minimal kitchen and bath facilities. The
    unit may comprise a single room plus a bathroom, and the
    kitchen facilities are often open to the main room, or may
    form a small niche in a corner. There are many variations
    of efficiency apartment, including some in which
    furnishings such as a bed may be pull out from a wall
    recess and stored there again when not in use. Also called
    an {efficiency}.

    efficiency apartment \efficiency apartment\ n.,
    a small apartment[4], sometimes furnished, with minimal
    kitchen and bath facilities. The unit may comprise a single
    room plus a bathroom, and the kitchen facilities are often
    open to the main room, or may form a small niche in a corner.
    There are many variations of efficiency apartment, including
    some in which furnishings such as a bed may be pulled out
    from a wall recess and stored there again when not in use.
    Also called an {efficiency}.

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