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 efficacy ['ɛfəkəsɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 功效, 效力

[医] 效能, 功效, 效验

  1. The efficacy of the medicine is satisfactory.
  2. We are testing the efficacy of a new drug.
  3. Aspirin has efficacy in relieving headaches.

[ noun ]
capacity or power to produce a desired effect
concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine

efficacy \ef"fi*ca*cy\, n. [L. efficacia, fr. efficax. See
Power to produce effects; operation or energy of an agent or
force; production of the effect intended; as, the efficacy of
medicine in counteracting disease; the efficacy of prayer.
``Of noxious efficacy.'' --Milton.

Syn: efficacy.

Syn: Virtue; force; energy; potency; efficiency.

  1. The cells also could be used to test the efficacy and safety of drugs for brain disorders, the scientists said.
  2. While the FDA pedantically measures the exact efficacy of new AIDS drugs, tens of thousands of lives will be needlessly lost.
  3. The parties vie to demonstrate their commitment to ever-stronger measures, with little consideration of their efficacy.
  4. One must wonder why the FDA so stubbornly and stupidly clings to its claim that the safety and efficacy of THA have not been proven.
  5. Concerns about the safety and efficacy of generic versions could hold back their sales, he added. Even if Glaxo wins its patent case, generics companies will theoretically be able to market an earlier version of the drug from 1996.
  6. That delay is indispensable if we are to avoid flooding the market with drugs whose efficacy is unknown or nonexistent.
  7. In order to guarantee premium prices for innovative products, the drugs groups are looking to demonstrate the cost-benefit of new compounds. 'Previously you just had to demonstrate the drug's quality, efficacy and safety.
  8. Such molecules take longer to develop than me-toos and there is a heightened danger of them being cut for reasons of safety and efficacy.
  9. Federal Express has been using it for over a decade and is zealous about its efficacy - a bad report can affect a manager's pay, bonuses and long-term survival.
  10. The efficacy of such defences is being gradually eroded by time and the logic of the government's own policies.
  11. One will take the place of Tipredane, Fisons' asthma treatment where development was halted in April because of lack of efficacy.
  12. The barristers say the high number of applicants threatens the efficacy of the system as the judges and senior barristers who are consulted on appointments cannot give every application the consideration it requires.
  13. It led to a statistically significant improvement, but the UK Medicines Control Agency told the company that 'convincing efficacy had still not been demonstrated on a sufficiently large number of patients'.
  14. But after Ampligen failed to show efficacy in the large trial, Du Pont alleged that it had been provided misleading information by HEM, a closely held company based in Philadelphia.
  15. Instead of manufacturers having to prove the efficacy of a drug as measured by an arbitrary government standard, the FDA would have to show that the drug was not useful.
  16. One of the enduring mysteries of the National Football League is the efficacy of the two-minute drill.
  17. This study is outstanding, and it provides the basis of convincing evidence of efficacy of the clot dissolver, streptokinase.
  18. 'Tagamet will be the first antacid with proven clinical efficacy.
  19. If the FDA sets the efficacy hurdle this high, it threatens to stop not only THA but also expensive research on other drugs in the pipeline.
  20. The insinuation that they reflect a mentality that favors quack cures or are taken seriously because of the public's belief in astrology and the efficacy of pyramids is nothing but smear tactics.
  21. In reality, the only way a drug vs. placebo clinical trial can be justified is if the efficacy of the drug is sufficiently equivocal that its benefit is thought to be about as good as or perhaps slightly better than no treatment at all.
  22. For we are dealing not with one drug, but with a mind-set that has grown up in the 25 years since the FDA was charged with judging new drugs on not only safety but also efficacy.
  23. "We're confident they met the known requirements for safety and efficacy." Dow Corning brought the implants to market in a different regulatory environment.
  24. The 1963 Community Mental Health Act mandating community care was imposed without a single long-term study of its efficacy.
  25. It is the efficacy requirement that requires double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center trials with statistically significant outcomes.
  26. Miss Skala is a devout Christian Scientist who believes in the efficacy of prayer.
  27. The FDA has come to rely increasingly on community-based trials, a concept pioneered by AIDS activists in which local physicians administer experimental therapies to AIDS patients and keep detailed records as part of a safety and efficacy study.
  28. The approvals of ZERIT and VIDEX each as a component of combination antiretroviral regimens for first-line and subsequent treatment of HIV infected patients are based on these agents' proven efficacy and durability.
  29. Xoma's mouse-derived antibody showed efficacy in a different portion of patients while having no survival impact on the broader group of patients with symptoms in one trial, but a second trial appeared to undermine some of the results in the first one.
  30. In an interview yesterday, Andrew Monjan, an associate director at the National Institute for Aging, which is conducting the test, said a committee will evaluate THA's efficacy as soon as results are available on 100 patients.
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