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 curtilage ['kɚtl.ɪdʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 庭园, 宅第

[法] 庭园, 宅基地

    [ noun ]
    the enclosed land around a house or other building
    it was a small house with almost no yard

    Curtilage \Cur"ti*lage\ (k?r"t?-l?j), n. [OF. cortillage,
    curtillage, fr. cortil court, courtyard, LL. cortis court.
    See {Court}.] (Law)
    A yard, courtyard, or piece of ground, included within the
    fence surrounding a dwelling house. --Burrill.

    1. "This is not to say that an inspection of the curtilage (yard) of a house from an aircraft will always pass muster under the Fourth Amendment simply because the plane is within the navigable airspace specified by law," White said.
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