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 curtly ['kә:tli添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 简略地, 草率地

  1. `Never!' he returned curtly.
  2. He answered curtly:“ Yes, naturally; the French are going to.
  3. She was curtly told that the minimum order was250 pounds and delivery on such short time was impossible.

[ adv ]
in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner
he told me curtly to get on with ithe talked short with everyone
he said shortly that he didn't like it

Curtly \Curt"ly\ (k[^u]rt"l[y^]), adv.
In a curt manner.

  1. After Yanayev's nomination, Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, one of those mentioned earlier as a possible vice president, said curtly: "Yes, I will support him.
  2. The state Supreme Court curtly rejected his appeal Friday.
  3. Nearly 80 years later, Steven Spielberg tried to negotiate for film rights to the great love song "Always," but the director was curtly informed that Berlin wanted to use it for a project _ never started _ of his own.
  4. "No questions," he called curtly as he and Mrs. Bush set out from the family compound on Walker's Point.
  5. Just a few months ago, the Bush administration curtly dismissed the idea of Western aid to the Soviets when it was proposed by House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt.
  6. Or curtly skewers "the contempt that university faculties have for the artist" and "the radical incapacity of student audiences to distinguish critically the poetry of Rod McKuen from that of Christopher Marlowe."
  7. Madonna's publicist curtly dismisses an inquiry with "this isn't something that she wants to comment about."
  8. And Mr. Shultz curtly told Mr. Abrams that the general should be told that only he could repair his tarnished image.
  9. Asked if the administration agreed, he curtly replied: "The adminstration will have to speak for itself."
  10. Mr. Mueller responds curtly that no one on Capitol Hill is "privy to what we have done" with the evidence.
  11. Where Dr. Hammer treated questioning shareholders curtly, Mr. Irani allowed shareholders to press somewhat with queries.
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