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 curule ['kjuәru:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 官座的, 有坐官座资格的, 高官的

    Curule \Cu"rule\ (k[=u]"r[udd]l), a. [L. curulis, fr. currus a
    chariot: cf. F. curule.]
    1. Of or pertaining to a chariot.

    2. (Rom. Antiq.) Of or pertaining to a kind of chair
    appropriated to Roman magistrates and dignitaries;
    pertaining to, having, or conferring, the right to sit in
    the curule chair; hence, official.

    Note: The curule chair was usually shaped like a camp stool,
    and provided with curved legs. It was at first
    ornamented with ivory, and later sometimes made of
    ivory and inlaid with gold.

    {Curule dignity} right of sitting in the curule chair.

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