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 Curtin 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 科廷(位于西澳首府佩斯)

  1. Professor Al Rainnie, of the Curtin Business School in Perth, said the headline figures disguised some deep problems.
    但是来自珀斯科廷商学院的阿尔. 瑞纳教授认为“报纸头条上的数字掩盖了很多深层次的问题”。
  2. Consumers are apt to maintain their renewed emphasis on savings and paring debt, Richard Curtin, director of the survey, said in a June home price update on Friday.
    该调查主管Richard Curtin在周五公布的6月房价更新报告中称,消费者倾向于继续强调储蓄和缩减债务.
  3. Ford turned to Hogan & Hartson LLP partner Bill Curtin, who advised the Detroit giant on the 2008 sale of two of its other premier car marquees, Jaguar and Land Rover, to India's Tata Motors Ltd (
    福特则聘请了Hogan & Hartson LLP律所合伙人比尔・科丁(Bill Curtin)助力此次谈判。 后者曾于2008年协助福特将旗下另外两个豪华车品牌捷豹和路虎卖予印度塔塔汽车公司。

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